Missing Opeth cause I'm in the Hospital!

I hope you get well fast. Just keep it positive and lean on your family and friends. My friend just told me yesterday that he has been diagnosed with some form of Lukemia that has his marrow pumping out an unlimited flow of white blood cells. He caught it in a routine blood test as part of a physical. Since it was found so early, it can be treated and managed through some kind of medication but could possible be cured via a marrow transplant. So far, he hasn't found a match either. This is only related to you in that you are not alone in your challenges and you'll both be on my mind. Hang in there man. :)
Thanks again for the well wishes everyone! It means a lot too me. Yeah, I'm doing my best to just hang in there, take it a day at a time, and look forward to getting better, and getting out. Gotta keep a positive outlook and all that, or I'll only get worse. Odd how something like death metal can help with that!

And yes, personal health is better then Opeth! One of the few reasons I'd allow myself for skipping them in concert, even in a crappy show like SoTU. Although the reduced set list makes it a little easier to know that Opeth is playing just a few miles from this hospital, and I can't see them.

Guess they'll have to play all of GR on their headline tour...I sure hope that make it back to Dallas though!

Sorry to hear about your friend Mr. Samsara, I hope they're able to effectively treat him as soon as possible! And thanks for your thoughts as well, they're well appreciated.
A summary? Ummm....my bone marrow stopped working, I almost died without knowing it cause my marrow doesn't make any red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or anything else. Now I"m in the hospital getting a lot of blood transfusions to keep me alive while they try to get my marrow to regrow and start making blood again.

Crossed The Streams, lmao. Nice.
My brother donated me his laptop, and the room I'm in has an internet connection port I was able to connect too. It's a pretty high tech hospital, the entire floor is Bone Marrow related, mostly for transplant patients and stuff. My room is an isolation room, it has it's own ventilation system and everything that constantly sucks out and filters the air. I can have visitors but only two at once, any more then that might mess with the filter. Pretty weird. In fact the whole floor is like that, since people with bone marrow problems like mine are so suspectible to infection and stuff like that. I get antibiotics in IV every morning and evening, and a big pill cocktail of them in the mornings.

But anyway, like I said, my brother donated me his laptop while I'm in here, and my dad's work gave him a broadband cable which he brought in, and I was able to connect to the port in the hospital room.