I'm In the Hospital, Gonna be here a while...

Starless Dragon

Beneath The Starless Sky
Aug 12, 2004
Asscrappy Texas
It's been a while since I've been able to visit this forum, because for the last three weeks, I've been in the hospital.

I'll try to start from the beginning, and keep it fairly short, a hell of a lot has gone on in the last few weeks. But about three weeks ago, I was up all night puking my guts out, 15 times in six hours for example. And before that, I'd been getting headaches whenever I'd exert myself, even just walking around or going down stairs. I'd been having some other problems too, hearing my pulse in my ears, getting messed up vision, and so on.

So I finally broke down and went to the doctor after all that puking.

While I was there, they hooked up an IV to give me some fluids, since I hadn't even been able to keep water down. They also took some blood to run some tests and see how my blood cell counts were looking.

Long story short, the doctor came back with a grave look on his face and told me I had a hemoglobin count of 3. Yes. 3. Which if you don't know much about blood is damn near fatal. Hemoglobin has to do with your red blood cells, and oxygen in the blood. The average count in a healthy person is 15 or so. Today the nurse told me that people have been known to have heart attacks when their hemoglobin count reaches as low as 6.

He had me immediately admitted to the hospital, and as I was getting into the room, the nurse asked me if I knew what my counts were. I told her my hemoglobin was 3, and she said that was impossible, I'd be dead or unconscious.

They took some blood, did some tests, and a little while later the same nurse came back and said "Oh my god, it really IS 3!"

Right after being admitted to the hospital, I had to get an emergency Blood transfusion. I got 3 units over 9 hours. They told me that normally they would not like to give a transfusion without knowing why my blood counts were so low, but at this point they literally didn't have a choice.

The blood tests revealed that in addition to my hemoglobin being incredibly low, all my other cell counts were equally low. I had almost no red cells, no white cells, and no platelets. Which basically meant I wasn't getting enough oxygen, I couldn't fight infections at all, and if I started bleeding, I'd have trouble stopping.

So I went through several days and several nights of tests, Cat Scans, Heart Ultrasounds, Chest Xrays, Bone Marrow Removal/Biopsies, Blood Test after Blood Test, question after question.

Finally after days and days of testing and eliminating things, they came to the conclusion that I had developed a disorder called Aplastic Anemia.

Aplastic Anemia is a bone marrow disease, where your bone marrow basically stops working. Bone Marrow is where all your blood actually comes from, it is what produces all your blood cells, and mine stopped working.

The Bone Marrow Biopsies revealed that my marrow was damaged and not developing properly, that the actual marrow cells were not maturing correctly, which is why they were not producing blood.

Bone Marrow Biopsies are not fun...Basically, they stick a very large needle all the way through your hip bone, and suck out some of the marrow inside.

How metal is that?

Anyway once they figured out what my problem was, they told me there are several ways they can try to treat it. One of the most likely would be a Bone Marrow Transplant. They did not do that at the hospital I was admitted too, so I was taken by Ambulance to a much larger hospital in Dallas.

My brother was tested as a Bone Marrow Donor, but he was not a match to me, so I won't be getting a transplant from him. Right now, they are looking into other family members, and Donor Registry, but at the moment we are not going for a transplant.

I may end up needing on in the future, it is yet to be seen. For now, they are treating me with Immuno-suppression therapy. Based on all the tests and questions, they narrowed down the most likely cause of the disorder to my own immune system attacking my bone marrow for some reason. They cannot say why for sure. This is a very rare disease and it can be very difficult to figure out what exactly brought it on.

There are several causes, one of them is actually extreme exposure to toxic heavy metals!

Lol. That figures.

But death metal doesn't count lol. So anyway, they think it may have been a virus I had that settled into my marrow, or altered my marrow, and caused
my immune system to attack it and mostly destroy it. Great.

The idea with the immune suppression therapy is that they take my immune system down, or what's left of it, down to nothing, in order to give me marrow a chance to regenerate. They are giving me drugs meant to suppress my immune system, similiar to transplant rejection drugs, and some kinds of Chemotherapy. they are also giving me other drugs meant to stimulate my marrow.

So, as I understand it, depending on who you ask, this treatment has a 60-75 percent chance of working well, then a 30 percent chance of working well the second time, if it fails the first.

So right now, that's what I'm hoping for.

I've had four blood transfusions in the last couple weeks, cause until my marrow starts working again, that's all they can do to give me enough good red blood cells to keep everything working, basically.

Pretty weird.

Anyway, I'm doing my best to keep positive, hope for the best, and take it day by day. My brother was kind enough to donate me his laptop, and I was able to get online again after a long time away. So at least I feel connected to the world again lol.

I'm in a room with it's own filtration system, the air is constantly sucked out, filtered, and put back, cause I can't get an infection. They give me IV antibiotics every 12 hours, and a huge pill cocktail of anti everything each morning.

So anyway, I figured some people on this forum might want to know. As many times as I've had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with some of the guys in Vehemence, John and Nate especially, I feel like I know you guys, so I figured I'd let you know what's up. You guys were always great to me and my gf when we met you at the shows, and I really appreciate that. And I've got some friends in the area that know me through this forum too, so at least you know what's up.

Damn...that was a lot longer then I meant it to be lol. Well, guess that's all for now. Like I said, I've been here 3 weeks, and will probably be here at least another 3 weeks to a month, maybe longer depending on how my treatment goes.

Wish me luck!
Hey man, what is your phone number? I have read through your Live Journal as well http://www.livejournal.com/users/starlessdragon/ . I got to make me one of those sometime. They kinda help so I dont tell the same sotry to my friends over and over again. I hope you get better very soon man. aloneiydragon stariessdragon which AIM do you use? Id be happy to chat with ya while your in the Hospital, Derek Boyer from Suffocation did it for me back in 2000 when I was in for 13 day hospital run for a appendix complication/surgery, cause I was going to San Diego when we were doing the band Deprecated and we hung out alot then. Hey are you on myspace dood? Hit me up if you are.
http://www.myspace.com/vehemencepunk hit me back asap! john@vehemence.com
Thanks for the support guys! That really means a lot to me, I really appreciate it! I'm doing my best to hang in there, looks like I'm gonna be in here for quite a while, so gotta do my best to stay optimistic and all that. Odd how death metal and other music can help with that. Shame I don't have my Vehemence albums right now, I borrowed my gf my GWC a while back, and we think her neice destroyed it lol. Hadn't gotten around to buying a new copy. My HTWTS is sitting in my room somewhere at home, maybe my gf can dig it out for me. By Your Bedside seems oddly appropriate right now lol.

My main AIM SN these days it Stariessdragon, so feel free to hit me up there sometime. I'm about to email to you man.

Anyway, thanks a lot guys, it really means a lot to me. Hope the rest of you are well, and that everything is proceding well with the new material! Also I hope Nate's new stuff is still going well, obviously I haven't been able to keep up with the metal world real well the last few weeks lol.
It has some speakers but the suck some ass lol. I have headphones to plug in though, hopefully it would work out alright. I dunno why, but certain things seem to overload it real easy. The Opeth DVD sounds great through the laptop headphones, but the new Nile album overloaded it or something and I had to take it out and put it in an actual CD player lol.

But yeah if you could steam me some of the new stuff, I'd be more then happy to give you my opinion! Hell, I'm honored you'd be interested in hearing it. Thanks a lot man!
what a shitty deal man.
I think at this time it is imparitive to look toward the future, regardless of where the desperation of hospital walls takes you!
Stay fuckking brutal!
Now I have to get something recorded so we can help keep ya in touch until you beat this fucker.
Keep in touch man.
Thanks again for the well wishes, guys! And yeah, my brother does rock for letting my use his laptop, as does my friend who lent me his PSP. And my parents bought me a new CD player since I dropped my last one and broke it when I was getting my car washed, real smart. Lol. So they rock too.

Nate - Yeah, it really is a shitty deal lol. It was weird, cause I was always worried I'd end up in the hospital for something, but I'd never even heard of this disease before lol. And apparently I'd developed it a while ago, and it was getting worse and so I was getting more and more worn out and stuff, till my body was about at the point of shutting down I guess. No blood left and all that lol.

But yeah, definitely gotta look towards the future. I work on that every day, even if it's just looking towards my next meal lol. The food here is surprisingly good, so that's a plus, except when the room service person tells me I can only order a certain amount of whatever when I want more.

Metalheads need lots of food, damn it! Especially when we're trying to make our bone marrow grow lol.

But anyway, definitely working to look towards the future, even if it's food, or better, my gf's next visit. Waiting for her to show up tonight, as well. It's funny, cause all the nurses here know her now, since she just tends to stand out and attract attention just by being herself.

So really, I'm trying to devote myself to getting over this thing, staying positive, and thinking about getting the hell out of here!

I gotta admit it's tough to feel very metal in a hospital gown lol, but listening to Vehemence and Nile really loud on headphones helps out, and that kinda music definitely keeps my spirits up, and has got to help get the blood and marrow going right?

Guess you can't get much more brutal then using Death Metal to help your health!

If you got something recorded that you could post on here or something, that would rule. I'm definitely really looking forward to hearing your new stuff, we miss your presence in the scene man!

So yeah, I'm looking forward and waiting as patiently as I can for the day I can get the hell out of here! Odds are I'll be coming back every few days at least for a while, but that's still a big step up, and it's all one day a time right?

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts man! They are really appreciated!