Hostile Working Environments

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I don't go a night without being bombarded by over dramatized bullshit where person A is bitching about person B, or some ridiculous rumor has been spread about [insert name here]. Needless to say it is quite tiresome. I just would like to know if everyone here works with undignified dunderheads who gossip like gooses, or am I alone?!?!

A ruggishly beautiful former first lady once said, "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

Damn I feel like a fucking twit, as I usually allow myself to be caught up in such drivel. But in all honesty, its so fucking bad, that you'de have to be a brick wall to avoid it.

Example- So and so female co-worker goes off with a male co-worker on their lunch break to more than likely grab a cup of coffee. This event in no less time than an hour turns in to a rumor that they were fucking away in some office.

Example 2- Male co-worker A asks male co-worker B if he could crash at his apartment for 2 days while everything gets squared away with his move. 1 hour later, they are rumored to be in a gay relationship.

God damn, it's fucking like being in junior highschool. :erk:

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Damn I feel like a fucking twit, as I usually allow myself to be caught up in such drivel. But in all honesty, its so fucking bad, that you'de have to be a brick wall to avoid it.

Yeah, it's tough to avoid. We had one guy on our team and everyone hated him and bitched about him constantly. You couldn't help but join in. The fact is, he was an ass.

Sometimes gossip is good venting though. If it's just helping spread false rumoUrs though then that's pretty lame, but I suppose it helps add a little excitement and scandal to an otherwise humdrum work environment (at somebody's expense).

I just prefer to turn the lights out in the bathroom when someone's taking a dump.
It is hilarious to witness the kind of gossip and bullshit people engage in at work. i assume its to fill the boredom and get their minds off how shit their jobs and lives are. I kind of join in sometimes, gotta do soemthing right?
Yeah i work with a girl thats 22 thats been to prison twice and is pregnant for the third time with a baby of a guy who is mildly retarded. Her mom has been married 5 times and every single one of the guys has been to jail. Her real father was killed right in front of her in a bad drug deal.

I played some Mercenery and Behemoth for her one night and she said it all sounded the same.....she listens to Godsmack. I gave up.
bleh, my job last summer was like this every day, mostly about the boss who was in fact a total prick (not just a figment of our imaginations).

and honestly, I was almost insane by the end of the summer. It's not worth it to subject yourself to the psychological violence of such a workplace.
Yeah i work with a girl thats 22 thats been to prison twice and is pregnant for the third time with a baby of a guy who is mildly retarded. Her mom has been married 5 times and every single one of the guys has been to jail. Her real father was killed right in front of her in a bad drug deal.

Is she black?
i work in retail, so i work with lots of 18-21 year olds going to school or whatever. and yeah, lots of rumors going around on who's banging who, who takes it up the pooper, she likes him slapping a dick on her forehead and shit.

and yeah, these young girls know how to shake it.
i work in retail, so i work with lots of 18-21 year olds going to school or whatever. and yeah, lots of rumors going around on who's banging who, who takes it up the pooper, she likes him slapping a dick on her forehead and shit.

and yeah, these young girls know how to shake it.

I wish i had your job. Because well you know me. Im a dirty whore.
Nick, the bassist for Watchmaker, is my boss, so I just talk about metal and put records/CD away all day. Booyah.
I find it interesting to hear all my co-workers bitch about things. I usually just talk about how I hate work, so I don't know what's better.
It's funny because as I read the description, I was thinking "white trash". I bet you probably see that scum everywhere living in a pit like Alabama. Just curious but have you ever met an inbred?

Actually, I live in the best part of Alabama, so there aren't many rednecks around, but I do still see white trash a bit. And no, thank god I have never seen an inbred.
Office politics suck, plain and simple. Particularly when you're not a Type A aggressive personality. If you don't join in on the rumor mill bullshit, then it ends up being about YOU the majority of the time, deserved or not.