Hot girls with guns

Gina Carano, former MMA competitor and star of Haywire has some guns.



wasn't she also on American Gladiators?
She would have to slim down for Wonder Woman, unless they just decided to make it the eXtreme Hardcore Modern edition with extra boot straps.
Sorry to ruin the party, but that picture is not of Gina Carano. However, that is one sexy ass mmmh.

Damn misleading google images!

Apparently the ass belongs to Jaime Koeppe, a fitness trainer/model.

Being a fitness trainer she has 'guns' too so the pic will stay up for...thread relevance.
Always bothers me when guys find it cute to start a lady off on a huge handgun or revolver.... This is why some people are scared of them. Hell I grew up with the things (guns) and a Desert Eagle still caught me by surprise.
I hate to be a sour killjoy here, but I never understood what was hot about a woman firing or holding a gun. You see it on DVD-covers of police series all the time too: EVERYONE MAKE SURE YOUR GUN IS IN THE PICTURE ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN! I simply can't see how a gun can possibly be erotic. A technological marvel, sure, but erotic, nope.