Hot or not? Trying out new pups..


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
d00dz, I'm wondering if these tracks sound "normal"?
One of them is recorded with a Seymour Duncan 59(N) and I believe (not sure) that it's an old version.. picked it up for 40€, used..
The other one is recorded with a noname pickup that I got off of an online auction.. it doesn't have any markings, it just looks like the 59 but with black
screws and polepieces.. it cost me 10€ for 2 humbuckers + 2 single coils.. meh..

I'm just wondering if it sounds normal to you or if the sound sucks
They're "DI-tracks" (without the DI, I'll explain later).
I got fresh strings on, but the tuning is off.. and I recorded this shit while on an adrenalin high after rageing on the issues I had with installing the pups..

Appreaciate your input!



Dropbox - rar file: test.rar
Anyone? They sound normal?

I really don't have anything to compare them too.. so..
My initial impression was that the tracks are bassy, but maybe that's normal.. I've only had cheap stockpups before..
107 views.. no comments..
*Baaawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal*
But seriously, I'm just clarifying that you don't need the pickups I use, to determine if it sounds normal or not., :)
The second clip sounds better, as if it were a better quality pickup. Still you do not want a pickup that is excessively bright as that makes for harsh tone. Heavy lower mids (the second to third harmonic above the fundamental) is where you want most of your sound as that will lead to more fuzzy, brighter and even distortion.
The second clip sounds better, as if it were a better quality pickup. Still you do not want a pickup that is excessively bright as that makes for harsh tone. Heavy lower mids (the second to third harmonic above the fundamental) is where you want most of your sound as that will lead to more fuzzy, brighter and even distortion.

The clips are recorded at the same time.. I put a stereo-output jack on my guitar and wired the one pickup to each channel..
So.. I'm bypassing tone- and volumecontrols..

The second clip is the unknown pup at the bridge..
I haven't adjusted height etc..
The first clip is the several hundred percent expensive JB 59 (older version)

Thanks for the tips and listening!

I guess I'll keep the pups in the guitar..