Hotel stories...

Here is one of the most wonderful moments of our hotel room stay... Saturday morning, hung over... how about some coffee?

Part1 (Starts off with Fred trying to repair our toilet paper room circle... then has an amazingly random transition to the subject at hand) :

Part2 (This is Will Bozarth in his most wonderful moment EVER) :
Man, on friday night, a bunch of us went down with rob to get some 24 packs of miller out of the back of a vehicle. We all pile in the elevator and start to go up, and it gets stuck. So 5 minutes of epic swearing, heat exhaustion, laughing, and contemplation of just opening up the packs and having an elevator drink-fest till someone fixes it, eventually we somehow made it to the 2nd floor. Then we all walked up the stairs and enter the "Yay beer!" cheers of the 3rd floor.

Heh. That was hilarious.
Well, I totally don't remember it... so we'll say good. Bad for everyone else, the smell in the bathroom was truly putrid for the next day.

Shoving 3 towels covered in puke behind the toilet > Actually attempting to clean it up in a reasonable manner!
I'm not sure if it was 308, but Sunday morning, I saw the cleaning crew walk into a room in that vacinity and all we heard was 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'
I have to ask since I was not at the hotel.......

Were everybodys undergarments safe???!!???!!!???

Well, undergarments were generally untouched. I willingly put mine on loan for some hilarious pics. Behold, the indulgence of Saladbar (Jose). Don't worry, he loves the attention. ;-)



For the record, these were new, clean and unworn. :cool:
I'm not sure if it was 308, but Sunday morning, I saw the cleaning crew walk into a room in that vacinity and all we heard was 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

I'd be willing to bet it was 308... Our room was fucking TRASHED. I'm still waiting for a call about paying for damages or something.
Here is one of the most wonderful moments of our hotel room stay... Saturday morning, hung over... how about some coffee?

Part1 (Starts off with Fred trying to repair our toilet paper room circle... then has an amazingly random transition to the subject at hand) :

Part2 (This is Will Bozarth in his most wonderful moment EVER) :

HAHAHAHA That is awesome

I saw Will at the show on Saturday, didn't realize it was him. I think I complimented his awesome Chuck shirt too.