Ever Get Fired From A Job?

the was this chick named Kristina that used to pummel me with a plasti-gloss covered mini-baseball bat, her mom, Susan got arrested for drug possesion, when Susan got out, Kristina was sleeping on my couch, Susan's job was delivering the Dallas Morning news to the preptown part of Irving, she was only locked up for 6 months, so when she got out, she got her job back, but her car had been crushed into a cube, because Kristina had spent 20 or 30 thousand dollars in less than 3 weeks, and didn't have any money left to get the CR-X out of the impound yard, and for some other reason, Susan didn't have access to the Blazer she'd been using before, so Susan had to use my mother's Mazda 626 to deliver the newspaper, i ended up helping her because she couldn't do it by herself and couldn't find the people that had helped her before, i can't drive (spacial acuity problem) so i was the one getting out of the car, and running up and down the stairs to put the news papers on the doorsteps of the people that lived on the 3rd and 4th floors and a few people where i had to go downstairs because their front doors are below the street level in a couple of places built on hillsides, we had to deliver such a huge amount of papers in such a short amount of time that it was actually the most grueling thing i've ever done in my life, several people were getting their newspapers stolen so Susan's boss ended up firing ME, even though MY NAME was never actually on the paycheck and i never saw any of the money she was making, it was such a gruelling thing to do anyway that i was just about to quit when i got fired anyway, Susan broke her ankle and had to quit a few months after i got fired
she was getting paid a nickel per newspaper, (working in the middle of the night) and her pimp friend did the math (while she was in the hospital for the broken ankle) and realized that she was getting paid a dime less than minimum wage!!! and i think she ended up spending almost all of that money buying Marlboro cigetettes and Dr Pepper while i was giving her free room and board

Sweet jesus that is one long sentence. It makes my eyes bleed just looking at it.
Stephen King by first grade? Masterful. Clearly indicative of genius.

my 1st grade teacher was psychotically christian, thought Stephen King was the devil, and screamed at my mom on the phone when i got "caught" reading Stephen King book
my 1st grade teacher was psychotically christian, thought Stephen King was the devil, and screamed at my mom on the phone when i got "caught" reading Stephen King book

Oh, you're welcome. Stupid Christians, when will they learn Stephen King just explores dark themes, he's not Satan - how quaint!
i started to read Pet Sematary in like 4th grade then someone said "why dont you just watch the movie?" ever since then I havent read a single book in my teenaged/adult life.
I was only ever fired once. I was playing supervisor for this giant fucking music store, and the owner had brought in an additional manager. The guy was a righteous prick, but I dealt with him for the most part. He was trying to revamp and reimagine the whole image and motif of the store (make it suck). Part of this was hiring a bunch of new employees for the sole purpose of harassing customers into buying shit. Another guy, Chris, was supposed to be first person to look at the application, and pass them onto Mike (the prick).

Well, turns out he was only looking to hire women, and none that knew a fucking thing about music, sales, anything. Whether or not they went on to interview was based wholly on if they were hot, and if they were over eighteen. I had to take over for Chris one day, so I made sure only qualified, and preferably not-attractive women's applications got to him. I then went to the other manager, Jeff, basically saying that the prick was using discriminatory hiring procedures, and I was going to report him to the Governor's office if Jeff didn't talk to him. This was a Friday.

On Monday, when I came in, everyone called me in and said they were letting me go. The logic being, I had been late the previous week by a half an hour when my car broke down. Which was horeshit, they couldn't even look me in the fucking eye. So I said I'd already e-mailed the Governor's office, and firing me was too late. Which was a lie, but hopefully they did some sweating.