Goodbye Seattle! It's so hard to leave when it's beautiful here.
It wasn't dark when I got to SF, but by the time I'd found and walked to my hotel with all my stuff, and made it down to the water, it definitely wasn't very light outside anymore.
After that I just took some random route back to my hotel and got hammered. Which resulted in this:
The next day was gorgeous.
I randomly discovered this place... just walking down the street and saw it. I definitely would have went in if they weren't closed.
OMG most epic mirror picture ever!!! <3 <3 <3
I have a couple more pics with everyone else that I will post after said everyone else sees them first.
- Brooks, thanks for showin us the good places to rock and forcing me onto your porch! Also, I'm totally stoked you made it to Mastodon afterall!
- Neal, thanks for kickin it and letting me stay with you on Monday night. I'd like to say that was a 4/20 I will never forget, but I'm afraid I pretty much already have haha. Wow. My brain is still sore

- LF, good rockin with you man, and nice to meet you in person!
- Isabel and Julz - The rumors are true... Isabel drinks like a seasoned veteran and Julz is cool as ice lol.
- Karen - I mean.. like... ya know.. wow

<3 <3 <3 So hard to believe that was only the first time we've ever met in person!
I had so much fun, everyone was totally rad and I would rock with you all again at the drop of a hat! I have some more pics including Mastodon at The Great American Music Hall and some really cool shots from the flight home that I will put up tomorrow. The flight home was cool because we went along the Cascade mountains and I could literally see every single one of them lined up out in the distance. And when we reached Seattle the pilot did a big huge circle right over the top of downtown so I was literally looking straight down on the city as the sun was going down in the distance. It was probably the most epic flight I've ever been on!
Awesome, awesome times. Now I'm back to the daily grind, but it really doesn't seem that bad after a cool vacation
edit: nighttime view from the hotel room: