San Francisco- here I come

The state makes no bones that you belong to them once you're hired. I have to forgo any future plans until I have definite dates in hand.
Hmm, let me see what I can do about transportation

I'd normally avoid this thing like the plague, but I've been thinking I should be less of an old curmudgeon and get out and do something once in a while.

What's the time and place decided upon?
So this adventure is basically my last hoorah on all things I call holy (drinking and awesome food like pizza) for 3 months. So I want to go out with a bang... I hope someone can point me in the proper direction of fat yummy beers and fatter, yummier burgers that I might otherwise miss out on. Preferably SF's best!

Brooks, you a burger guy? Isabel?
I figure people got plans for the day, so do your thing.

I propose we meet at Zeitgeist in the early evening, say 5:30 or 6 and order us a couple pitchers of Speakeasy IPA, Lagunitas, Stone Pale Ale, etc. along with some burgers, and we pass the time in the Zeitgeist garden. Then we'll mosey over to 16th and Valencia and hit up Kilowatt, shoot some pool or some darts. Then we'll head over to the Latin, or the Makeout Room for some stiff cocktails, then finally over to Pops for cheap booze right by my place, where we'll end up for the after hours rager into the wee hours.

But what the hell is the point of making plans anyway?