San Francisco- here I come

OK I will be in town at about 6:30pm. I have a hotel on eighth street, just north of Mission district. Brooks, Isabel I'm gonna PM you guys my cell number. Karen, you already have it... you guys call me whenever. Hellz yes!
I figure people got plans for the day, so do your thing.

I propose we meet at Zeitgeist in the early evening, say 5:30 or 6 and order us a couple pitchers of Speakeasy IPA, Lagunitas, Stone Pale Ale, etc. along with some burgers, and we pass the time in the Zeitgeist garden. Then we'll mosey over to 16th and Valencia and hit up Kilowatt, shoot some pool or some darts. Then we'll head over to the Latin, or the Makeout Room for some stiff cocktails, then finally over to Pops for cheap booze right by my place, where we'll end up for the after hours rager into the wee hours.

But what the hell is the point of making plans anyway?

Sounds great Brooks!
I suck at darts and pool, but hey-I can sit and cheer while drinking my beer.

Oh shit, it rhymed!
We should start it early in the evening, cause I gotta work on Sunday.

when do you start ?

I believe I'll cancel my usual Saturday plans in favor of this rare conjunction of alcohol and interesting people


OK I will be in town at about 6:30pm. I have a hotel on eighth street, just north of Mission district. Brooks, Isabel I'm gonna PM you guys my cell number. Karen, you already have it... you guys call me whenever. Hellz yes!

I'll call ya ;)
Sounds great Brooks!
I suck at darts and pool, but hey-I can sit and cheer while drinking my beer.

Oh shit, it rhymed!

Sucking at darts and/or pool is no excuse not to play. I successfully sink maybe 10% of my pool shots but I still have fun.

Also, I have this fresh bottle of Lagavulin that should maybe find its way into my trunk accidentally. Just sayin'
I like it here. Just went for a good epic longboard ride along the water (man the pavement here is WAY more smooth than Seattle) and picked up some beers and liquor on the way back to my room. What a trip to be able to buy liquor after 9pm. Doesn't happen in Seattle, stupid laws. Now I'm drinking alone in my room, watching sportscenter and using this weird internet tv apparatus. I wish i could somehow upload pics with this thing because I got some pretty neat ones of some bridge lol. I don't think this tv internet keyboard will let me make new paragraphs.. But yeah,alcohol tastes realllll good in SF. I might actually smoke a cigratte here in a few :kickass:
I would like to meet/hang wif you peoples, but I think I'd be a total drag...considering I don't really booze :(
I'm not sure how to fathom how you all are going to meet. Your placements and plans are so disorganized that I'd not be able to stand it.