Hottest Women of Metal

Pђoenix;7534995 said:
:lol: Thank fuck someone did, it took me fuckin' ages in paint.

I laughed my ass of too and then again on the reply when I seen it again. Not saying I would not hit it, but there are alot better looking females in metal, atleast 5 in this thread so far.

I really liked her debut but I think Arch Enemy have gone down hill since then, maybe her input into the band, or that they are putting less into their songwriting, or that I have moved on.
This thread reminds me of Revolver

I'd tap the one on the right so hard if you could pull me out you'd be king of britain.
You dont find that scary looking? That screams "white trash" and "dumb slut" like no other.
I mean wtf, if you want to look pretty, "porn star" is not the theme you should go for. Seriously.
out of 10 I would give them a good 10er each :lol:

:erk: BUT..

Tis hard too make any musical judgement on thee fantastic4 as when I tried to listen to thier music/vid its no longer listed.

You dont find that scary looking? That screams "white trash" and "dumb slut" like no other.
I mean wtf, if you want to look pretty, "porn star" is not the theme you should go for. Seriously.

I don't give a shit about that blonde hair = slut thing everyone else does. I have that hair colour gene and it doesn't make me stand on street corners....

In fact I find it on the verge of being annoying when a girl who actually has a pretty face get's dissed over the hair colour and someones like 'ugh that one looks alright though' and it's some average looking brunette. Maybe it's the level of stupidity I've encoutered some in brown haired women thats led me to feel this way.

White trash, hmmm NO, British white trash (or chavs) look more like this:

Im blond, too, it's the fake blonde I cant stand and I see at least 3 fake blondes right there. Fake blonde is slutty by any standard, I mean come on.
They are almost as metal as Avril Lavigne. Please keep it metal, a guit in the hands of a young female who sings pop songs doesn't make her or her band metal.

but they are pretty though...

and on the one I said I liked I only think the front one and the far right one are hot.

and whitetrash doesn't mean anything to me I don't live in america.