House of Blues: Chicago


Sep 26, 2003
Does anyone else think that this venue sucked? I have been to many concerts at many locations and this has to be the worst one that I have ever been to.

First of all, the 11/9 show in Chicago must have been sold out because the line was huge. Some waited in line for over an hour in the cold. The show started at 6:15 and by 6:00, the line stretched across the overpass and was almost as long as a city block. Now, I don't mind waiting in line to see a great band like the length of the line is not the issue. The problem is that the line was really slow moving because of all the security (we had to show our I.D.'s twice before we even got through the doors) and by the time most people got into the building, Hypocrisy HAD ALREADY PLAYED AND LEFT! Someone told me that they didn't even open the doors until a few minutes before the band went on. A lot of people had to listen to them from outside the building while standing in line! I won't even go into the obsurdity of having Hypo open up for mediocre bands like Children of Bodom. I thought that if they weren't headlining, then they would at least play right before the headliner. Not so. We missed them completely. Shouldn't the venue have opened the doors a lot sooner to accomodate all the paying customers waiting to get in?

Also, a word of advice for anyone going to the House of Blues: BRING YOUR I.D. If you're driving on a ticket (i.e. you had your license confiscated for speeding), they will not accept the ticket as proof of age. And trust me, you'll need it. As I said, we had to show our I.D.'s twice while waiting in line in order to get an "over 21" wristband. The wristband is completely pointless because no one in the venue even recognizes it's validity. I got carded 3 times when I went for a beer. Once to get in the room where they serve beer, once by a bouncer standing in the middle of the room between the door and the bar, and then by the bartender. I showed my wristband, but they insisted on seeing my driver's license every time. If you like to double-fist it (drink two at once), then forget it because you need one I.D. per drink. In other words, you can't buy two drinks at once without showing I.D.'s for two people. I didn't even want to TRY to get a pitcher...they probably would have wanted my fingerprints and three references! Not to mention the fact that a can of their cheapest beer (PBR) is $3.

You also need your I.D. to get on the balcony because it is OVER 21 ONLY.

This may not seem like a big deal to some people, but after missing the world's greatest band, I seriously needed a drink! I just hope that this will not be one of the stops for "The Arrival" tour because I might want to see the opening act!
This left me totally...speechless. OHMYFUCKINGHELL how this can be possible?!?!!?!
I would have at least killed someone if I´d miss Hypocrisy when they were here.! What you are saying sounds SO UNBELIEVABLE!!
You should like sue someone. The place. Has it always been like that? In that particular building, I mean.
And WHAT? Did I understand correctly? Hypo opened that shitCOB?????? COB is the biggest crap on earth! THIS WAS ILLEGAL!!!!!!
I am so sorry for you....
My day is ruined now.
Sound like the crappiest place ever!!! I mean, how fucking ass do you have to be in order to check someones I.D.'s every second minute? 2 times during the entry would be the maximum and still on the limit of good customer service. Not to mention it caused the loss of not seeing Hypocrisy to many people.

I feel for ya man.
lumitalvi said:
Has it always been like that? In that particular building, I mean.

I don't know if it has ALWAYS been like that, but my brother-in-law was there a few months ago and he told me that they started the show an hour early unannounced. They also ended up missing the first band.

If you look at the bottom of this page, there is a related link to a message that someone left on the Opeth board. I guess they card everyone constantly in L.A., too

lumitalvi said:
And WHAT? Did I understand correctly? Hypo opened that shitCOB?????? COB is the biggest crap on earth! THIS WAS ILLEGAL!!!!!!
I am so sorry for you....
My day is ruined now.

Yes, the order was:
1. Hypocrisy
2. Children of Bodom
3. Nevermore
4. Dimmu Borgir

COB did not impress me. Nevermore was pretty good. Dimmu Borgir had an awesome light show, but I can't get into that type of vocals. Basically, I only went to see Hypocrisy and didn't even get the chance. I will try again if they come back after "The Arrival" is released. They played at the Metro for the "Catch-22" tour and it was AWESOME. So, if anyone from the band ever reads these messages...

I'm begging you, please play the Metro from now on when you are in Chicago! The House of Blues has a way of ruining everyone's experience...
When I saw Testament and Halford at the HoB during the MEtal Gods tour Pain Museum opened. I was maybe 20th in line for that show. By the time I got down to the stage Pain Museum had already finished their second song. Thats fucking redicuous. I was REALLY hoping to see this tour. I wanted to see Bodom the mosts but fuck. The place sucks. Butm I WILL say the parking is the best./
Jester Jake said:
I went to the show, and not to be a dick, but HYPOCRISY totally fucking ruled. I think everyone walked out a HYPOCRISY fan.

I'm just wondering...what time did you get in line? How close were you to the front of the line and how long did you wait to get in? Do you know when they opened the doors? I want to know for future reference. If Hypo plays there again, I will be forced to go back.

Iced In Flames said:
The place sucks. Butm I WILL say the parking is the best.

Yeah, the parking WAS really close and there were a lot of spaces. But, the great parking isn't enough to make up for all of The House of Blues's shortcomings. I paid $18 to park in a good spot while I missed Hypocrisy!
I was in the first group outside, because there was a group inside lined up. I got in like at about 3:30. I waited 2 hours and 15 minutes since they opened the doors at 5:45, it was fucking freezing!, I snuck a camera in and took pics and im gettin them developed, ill post them as soon as i get them.
Jester Jake said:
I snuck a camera in and took pics and im gettin them developed, ill post them as soon as i get them.

Haha! They made people wait but not because they'd check what people is carrying in?
Man, that really sucks. The two HoB venues I've been to are great (Hollywood and Anaheim), never any hassling like that, and I've never waited more than 3 minutes to get in.
I haven't posted here before...I mainly came on this forum today to see if there was anyone else going to the show tonight in Houston. Anyway, I saw this thread and after I read it, I felt that I needed to reply.

I am originally from Chicago. I just moved to Houston in July of this year. One thing that I really miss about Chicago is the House of Blues. I saw TONS of shows there. I never experienced exactly what you did abducted94. Some of the points you made were valid. I think the security measures they take are a little extreme. If you notice though, a lot of places have upped their security procedures in the last couple of years. I just went to a the Slayer show here and we got wanded. I believe they also wand at the HOB.

Yes, beer is expensive, parking is expensive, but one of the best things about that venue is its sound. They've got the best damn sound system as far as venues go (at least in the Chicago area) It is also a NICE venue...meaning it's clean, nicely decorated and the a/c always works.

I've waited outside in the cold at the Metro as well as the Riv. It does suck, but hey, that's why I moved someplace warmer! Heehee.

Sorry you had a bad time. Personally, I would rather go to the HOB than to the Metro or even worse Rockhouse U.S.A. in Aurora where it smells, there's piss all over the place in the bathrooms, no t.p., the a/c doesn't work and they fill the place above capacity. I dunno, maybe it's me.
I hate the House of Blues. Yes the sound is the best in Chicago, but there is no place to sit down, and it's waaaay too big for a metal concert.
I haven't been on here for awhile, but here's an update: the HoB is still just as bad as it was before. I returned during their tour with Nile and a bunch of other horrible bands and was carded everytime I walked past a bouncer. At least Hypocrisy didn't open up for this batch of terrible bands! I remember there was a mutiny during one band's set and everyone was trying to "boo" them off stage. They were some kids from California if I remember correctly. Hypocrisy totally rocked. The place when nuts when they played "Let the Knife do the Talking!"

Some of my other complaints: No smoking anywhere in the building. Now, ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem because you would just step outside and then come back in when you're done, right? The problem is that you're also not allowed to re-enter the building even with a stub and a wristband. I guess that's why it looks like someone has a fog machine running in the bathrooms! Also...all shows end at 10pm which means that they usually start early like 6pm. I guess that's some kind of city ordinance?

I later saw Hypocrisy with Fear Factory at the Metro. I remember parking in a lot that was practically across the street (there's another lot by McDonald's that's really close). We waited in line for only about 5 minutes but once again, I ended up missing part of Hypocrisy because they opened the show up. Unbelievable! Some of those other bands don't even deserve to share a stage with Hypocrisy, and they're using Hypo as the "warm up" band? Although I didn't expect it, Fear Factory blew me away! I wasn't carded every five minutes and although you still couldn't smoke in there, you could come and go as you please if I remember correctly. They have The Smart Bar downstairs that you can get in by flashing your wristband from The Metro. Regardless, the noise ordinance rule has turned me off from going to metal concerts in Chicago. Especially when the band I want to see is done playing before 7pm!

I've made up my mind to see Hypo at the Rave in Milwaukee from now on. I saw them there with Cannibal Corpse awhile back and, although it's farther away, I can make it there in less time because I don't have to deal with rush hour traffic trying to make a 6pm show! The sound isn't as good there and I had to take a cab from where I had to park, but at least I wasn't treated like I was locked in a SuperMax or a concentration camp while I was there!
fuck man that sucks hard.

what fucking idiots. I hope Hyp got to play to a decent audience and that most of their fans weren't stuck outside :(
Haha, old posts. Yes the House of Blues in Chicago sucks, I hate the venue and I hate the security. The main thing in Chicago, shows have to start early because there's some stupid Chicago ordinance that makes a curfew of 10:00 PM.