How 1987 (Iced Earth)....

That vid made me laugh.:lol:
Ripper is weird and makes the weirdest faces too.
The pointing fingers is what got me goin' though, he looks like a dumass but the vid is pretty cool and the song is good.
That vid made me laugh.:lol:
Ripper is weird and makes the weirdest faces too.
The pointing fingers is what got me goin' though, he looks like a dumass but the vid is pretty cool and the song is good.

That video made me....:Puke:
The song is great, but if you're gonna make a video in this day and age at least spend the money to make a good one... This looks like it was made by a kind in grade school...
I've been so done with this band since Ripper joined, and they just keep getting worse.....

I don't think they are that bad. I know that Barlow fans can't seem to let go, they are fans of that era and that era alone it seems. Reminds me of the Roth / Hagar thing... I'm getting a copy of the new album shortly and will get a second chance at interviewing Jon. The bar was raised by Jon with the continuation of the Something Wicked storyline. If he can't deliver.... Well, it's all on him.
Make it 1982. And Tsorl posted it before in the YouTube thread

I have never been a real fan of IE but this song it's VERY good, as for the video, the idea itself was good. I mean it have a lot of the original "Heavy Metal" motion picture and from "Stargate" movie but alas the execution of the plot in the video is lousy and repetitive not achieving its (supposedly IMO) goal.

Again it was good to hear nice metal with a cheesy video
The video is :Puke:
Better not to make a video at all than to do it like this.
The song is okay, but my problem with recent IE isn't Ripper himself (although he's nothing more than okay in my book) but the songwriting, which was (accidentaly or not) waaaay better with Matt in the band.
Without Matt, the band shows itself for what it really is...pretty generic and recyclable.

I mean, Jon had a tendency to repeat himself riff/song wise back when Matt was in the band, but now he really just seems to be throwing entire albums together. I don't hear any inspiration in that song whatsoever, and Ripper's voice is crap.

The video looks like they shot something and then thought it looked crappy and tried to save it anyway they could (hence the terrible watermark/cartoon filter).
This is the most boring, sterile song I've ever heard. I mean, it sets a new standard for boring metal. I'd rather listen to Steve Grimmett's Garmin superbowl commercial. Not only that, but this video was hilariously bad.
Without Matt, the band shows itself for what it really is...pretty generic and recyclable.

I disagree... First two IE albums are great, although done without Matt (who in fact had as little effect on songwriting as other band members, except for Jon). I think it's just Jon getting a little "tired" inspiration wise, it's hard to do all songwriting by yourself and stay fresh and inspired for a long period of time...

There are very few Chucks in this world :notworthy