How are you guys doin?

On the bright side...93 octane is under $2 now so I’ve been slamming that shit into my mustang GT like I slam bourbon down my throat every night. I drove 120 mph down I24 on the way home from work today. A hundert and fuckin twenty, people

So some clubbing resort in Austria is apparently one of the key clusters for the propagation of this shit.
Hedonism will be the doom of mankind. The soldiers of Allah were right all along!
in sweden it's traditional for lots of people to go to the skiing resorts over easter to ski and get shitfaced in the huge after ski parties etc

guess if the ski resorts are closed or if the packed night trains from all parts of the nation to the ski resorts have been cancelled

granted some of the after ski clubbing has been cancelled recently, but voluntarily, not by order from the government. also you can't be more than 500 people in a gathering at the time so i guess they'll have to implement some kind of revolving door system where people take turns to get infected

the gov't does literally nothing but keeps reiterating the same tired bullshit about "if you feel any symptoms then stay at home, we're counting on the general population to take responsibility and be sensible. also i don't see why you shouldn't travel, i mean, sitting inside sounds really boring and can't be healthy, wE cAn'T StOp SoCiEtY"

iceland and italy have hard numbers from comprehensive testing and report that 50-75% of people who carry the virus show no symptoms. our national health agency chooses to straight up ignore this data and claims that there is NO evidence that the virus spreads through anything other than basically coughing in someone's face. i mean i don't mean to be that guy who sits in his underwear at home at the keyboard calling scientists idiots but this just doesn't fucking pass the common sense smell test. would the virus spread this rapidly if it only spread through droplets of coughed up virus hitting other people's faces? really? REALLY?

so we're going to have all these holiday trains, sleeper carriages with 6 people per cabin, zig-zagging all over the country, then returning before the incubation period is over to spread it to wherever they live. good shit.
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would the virus spread this rapidly if it only spread through droplets of coughed up virus hitting other people's faces? really? REALLY?

Well, here we've been repeatedly told that the virus can endure for up to nine hours on plastic surfaces so if you caress an infected surface hard enough then proceed to do some speleology up your nose, I guess you're up for joining the stats. Maybe there are country-relevant discrepancies on how intel is passed on to the common folk, idk, so much for international scientific collaboration then.
Over here we're being told that it can survive on surfaces for 1-3 days. If that's actually true then there is no "if", but "when". This country is just full of insane idiots. It's like if there isn't some new horrific story on the news every night, people think that everything is going back to normal.
This shit is getting old quick. I cant even get a haircut.

My job is deemed "essential" by the gov't, so I'm still heading to work. There is no crazy rush hour traffic, which is eerie. Almost like 28 Days Later.

THis place loves gossip, so I constantly have to quell the rumor mill about who has the virus and what hangar they work in. We've grounded 83 planes at this airport which is insane.
Hanging in there and trying to stay positive. Was able to get my move started with no problems (still a long ways to go doing this on my own). Still have my job and I'm starting to figure out how to not work 24/7 from home. Found some toilet paper. Ate some ice cream today.

Drove out to the next supermarket for the first time in three weeks. Found actual beer (Goose Island IPA cans), felt like the best beer ever.
Hang in there folks!
lookin good bruh

we're at the supermarket like every day because no one in sweden takes this seriously haha

btw i wrote this on march 20th and we're still in the beginning of this of course but let's take a look at the score as of today
there's going to be a lot of people dead here. mark my words. compare our death toll to our smarter neighbours (denmark, norway, finland) when this is all said and done.

deaths per 1M pop

FINLAND: 5 (closed borders, closed schools, quarantined helsinki area with armed guards)
NORWAY: 14 (closed borders, closed schools)
DENMARK: 32 (closed borders, closed schools)
SWEDEN: 47 (did jack fucking shit)

not sure why denmark is doing so relatively poorly despite taking early and decisive action, i guess because they're mainland europe and more densely populated

either way, stay tuned as all my predictions come true and no one takes responsibility for anything because our leaders are garbage
i mean i get it. there is explicit strategy being plotted in the dark corners of the halls of power. they think that by knowingly sacrificing lives now they're going to ease effects on the economy later on and maybe fewer people will die grand total. i think that's a bold fucking move to make but if you're gonna do it, AT LEAST FUCKING SAY SO. they are not fucking communicating what the strategy is, at all. from what i can gather we are basically still on a weird version of the herd immunity strategy that the UK rejected for being too deadly, but without the leaders having the fuckin stones to be honest about it.

all i'm asking is for our leadership not to straight up fucking lie to our faces.

every day we have a press conference where the head idiot in charge of the health authority stands in front of a powerpoint with hard numbers and lies to our faces. yesterday the numbers showed 71 dead w/a 7 day average of 47 dead and he stands in front of the numbers and says "we've got 25-30 people dead per day on average" and that we've "flattened the curve" when the data tells the exact opposite story; that we're only barely on a better trajectory than spain or italy and are 9th in the world for deaths/capita excepting mini states like luxembourg and san marino

i feel like i'm not living in the same reality as these people. like i know politicians are generally sociopath assholes but it's so fucking surreal to live in some 1984-esque doublethink nightmare where you can somehow simultaneously publish the real data and also lie about what it means

*graph shows that until last week we had peace with eastasia*
"we have always been at war with eastasia"

anyway, i'm done, just need to vent

if this shit kills me y'all know who to blame
The last several years of my life I have reminded myself of what is Good in my existence. I've suffered some loss, as we all have, and at some point I made a choice between dwelling on what is Lacking or enjoying what I Have. I have taken on the King Crimson song Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With to heart, and embrace such an emotion when I can.

With now 100,000+ deaths during this global pandemic, I am thankful each morning to wake up and take several long, deep breaths at 6am (or earlier, depending on my dog's bladder schedule). Because not everyone enjoys that luxury these days. My heart aches for those that are suffering and for those that are helping the wounded and dying.

The world is a beautiful place. But right now, she is hurting. May we all get through this as soon as possible, and wake up to a better tomorrow. [/drunk as shit]
I exist purely in a state of alcohol. The concept of time no longer exists. I now explore my "old internet hangs" looking for anything to give me a perk in this new solitary world. With no end in sight, and if the Ol' Rona doesn't get me, the liver damage from the stir-crazy consumption surely will.
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Love your piece Nadrian
Thanks man. I was so obliterated that night that after typing that I apparently wept for all of humanity and kept drinking cheap vodka. I don't know what happened afterwards, but I woke up sleeping on the dog bed around 4am. Enjoyed a nice 36 hour hangover after that, probably my worst in 5 years, maybe longer.

Also, you and Mike are both correct: late nights + early mornings = Über Alles. Stay up late drinking coffee so you can wake up early and start drinking coffee once again. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead.
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Anyone dead yet? I’m not.

I’m listening to Stargazer and drinking rum.

At work, I use the same N95 mask for an entire week. For reference, they are typically one-time use. Not any more, haha! My feeling is I’m more likely to get SARS-CoV-2 (the correct scientific term, btw) donning and doffing PPE than I am getting coughed directly in the face. My personal favorite during this disaster is using the same gowns that have been worn by other people because there’s just aren’t enough of them.