How awesome is it when...


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Your kids are running round the house singing the lyrics to the CD's your playing?

I know most of you aren't parents, but those of you that are, understand it :headbang:
Celestial-Todd said:
I can top that... I'm dead certain that my kid will be double-kicking while in the womb. I can see it now!

"Honey he's kicking"
"Holy shit... that's Raining Blood!"
That's funny! At the Dungeon gig during the set bubs was kicking away.Especially during anything of the new album.Heard it that many times probably recognised the songs.
Plus today has been kinda cool as for the first day I put my hand on my belly whilst it is moving about and can feel the kicks etc. with my hand.