Personally, I like Nile. I can appreciate what they're doing, and
have seen them live. It sounds as intense live as it does on
the recording. Plus you can see the people making the music.
Great. I consider them one of the still-listenable death metal
bands that are left. But I would not pay $30 for one of their
cd's! No wonder
spawn is upset.
I can't think of even a handful of bands whose cd I'd pay that
much for. Especially when taking into consideration how much
the actual physical resources to package a complete cd actually
cost (WAY less).
But anyway, back to Nile, they're death metal, one of the
most brutal there are. Some people just don't go for their
sound, but to others it's fucking awesome. It depends on
what you like about music, and whether you can think openly
enough to see where the artist is coming from with what
they're doing and appreciate them doing it, or if you instead have
the attitude that just because you don't like the sound
of a particular band then they're automatically untalented
as musicians.
I would really like to see someone outdo Nile, instrumentally,
and then come back and say how untalented they are.
Whether growling vocals take any talent, well,
sometimes they
do, depending on what the growling vocalist is actually doing.
I have to say it is much harder to learn to sing well and to do
so intensely, and in a way that is listenable, but death and
black metal vocals add a level of intensity to the music that
can't be conveyed w/ clean vocals. I personally prefer clean
vocals most of the time, BUT even if I really don't like whatever
vocals (of any kind) I still listen for what else might be good
Now, if THAT sucks.....AND the vocals suck.....
Why listen to it?
Ol Sonuf