Death metal vocals

I havn't heard any of their stuff, but have heard 'of them'.
Are they really that bad?
Sydo, I tell you this honestly, I have over 400 cds, and this is the worst I have ever heard. I shall reprint my review that was on my journal (have a drink!) of it for your perusal.


I dont think any death metal fans read this, but if they do, just go to the bottom of the page where I have substituted
normal text for death metal vocals so you can understand them, and I wish you the best of luck, I hope you can
learn to read and write soon.

* I can FART better vocals than this guy can "sing".

* The production is so muddy it sounds like they filled up all their instruments with shit before they recorded. And its
not even the garden store bought stuff that has lots of nutrients, just bargain basement shit you would apologise to
the toilet for shitting if you did it yourself.
These days there is no excuse for that, it sounds like it was recorded 20 years ago. I dont care if keeping it "raw" is
the reasoning behind it, bad production is bad production regardless of intent.

* They went to a LOT of trouble writing some great lyrics that are growled like a bear with a sore throat and are not
understandable in the slightest. Very stupid. Thats like a painter doing a painting and then smearing shit all over it
so noone can actually see the good thing he put his work into.

People praising this album are quite foolish. And before they try and say anything defending it, I want them to go
and PAY 29 dollars for THIS "album" from their own money.

I feel very bad as I have only encouraged them by paying for something that will only become a device used to
torture Sydomonkey when he is bad.

P.S. The opinions expressed here are solely those of Spawns brain. If you dont like them, please feel free to put on
a Nile album and "enjoy" it. Or bludgeon yourself with a big stick. Which is much the same thing.

Grr. Grr. GRR


Any death metal fans, dont get so worked up, this post was for Sydos benefit only, so just pretend you didnt read it :D
:lol: Sydomonkey torture device.

After reading that review I don't think I'll be adding it to my list.:)
Not really, its ok I guess, theres a mask and some reeds and stuff, and a nice snake inside, its passable :D
I figured id give it a try! You never know what you might like until you try it! (Most of the time anyway)

If I had bought 30 dollars worth of dirt to listen to it would have been better value :)
Hahaha the Nile album isn't that bad. It gets a bit repetitive, but it's ok. Three of the band members (musicians), it's not a Stinkin Fark type thing where they have three individual vocalists. Yeah Entombed vocals are much better. As are those of Australia's own, Abramelin for that matter.

Chuck's vocals on Painkiller rule! I love Chuck!

On grunge, just don't include Soundgarden and Alice In Chains in that category just because they came from Seattle. Those two bands rule(d)!
Ill take Linkin Park over Nile any day :)

How good is that scream at the start of Painkiller he does? :notworthy
hey man, nile last album's production is excellent , maybe you don't like the death vox, but it rules ,

NILE RULES :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

i don't like those girlies screems, shouts and dance of some feminin bands, :grin:

if someone says linkinpark is better than nile, it's a shit, i believe he's not into metal, and prefer to go to chat with korn or britny spears :lol:

soundgarden and alice in chains are (were) not grunge or alternative!!

death voice is matched with the music aggression and lyrics
and not totally bad.

lsiten to hypocracy, emperor, dinnu borgir, in flames, opeth, .....etc
of death/black bands their voice rules

i never said that other metal voices are bad, i like some powermetal vox like Kamelot, Rhapsody, hammerfall
and of corse the old legends; dio, ozzy, tony martin,

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Ahh, but you can understand what he is saying! (Plus Slipknot use blast beats etc.) THATS the defining difference, Entombed, Slipknot, Testament (Gathering era) and so on, you can understand, even though the vocals are very aggressive.

If you listen to Nile, he could be singing about rainbows and c3po for all you know :)

Download a Nile track and you will see what I mean Blitzy :D
Personally, I like Nile. I can appreciate what they're doing, and
have seen them live. It sounds as intense live as it does on
the recording. Plus you can see the people making the music.

Great. I consider them one of the still-listenable death metal
bands that are left. But I would not pay $30 for one of their
cd's! No wonder spawn is upset.

I can't think of even a handful of bands whose cd I'd pay that
much for. Especially when taking into consideration how much
the actual physical resources to package a complete cd actually
cost (WAY less).

But anyway, back to Nile, they're death metal, one of the
most brutal there are. Some people just don't go for their
sound, but to others it's fucking awesome. It depends on
what you like about music, and whether you can think openly
enough to see where the artist is coming from with what
they're doing and appreciate them doing it, or if you instead have
the attitude that just because you don't like the sound
of a particular band then they're automatically untalented
as musicians.

I would really like to see someone outdo Nile, instrumentally,
and then come back and say how untalented they are. ;)

Whether growling vocals take any talent, well, sometimes they
do, depending on what the growling vocalist is actually doing.
I have to say it is much harder to learn to sing well and to do
so intensely, and in a way that is listenable, but death and
black metal vocals add a level of intensity to the music that
can't be conveyed w/ clean vocals. I personally prefer clean
vocals most of the time, BUT even if I really don't like whatever
vocals (of any kind) I still listen for what else might be good

Now, if THAT sucks.....AND the vocals suck.....
Why listen to it?

Ol Sonuf