Evilest sounding vocals

IdolWarship said:
their song titles and subject matter kick serious ass too. :kickass:

My personal favorite title is "Invocations Beyond the Outer-World Night". Though it is a problem when posting on np threads. The stories are also amazing, I followed them from the first one.

IdolWarship said:
another british band, with ridiculously long song titles and ambition, is The Meads of Asphodel. they're a favorite of mine also. kind of like Monty Python and the Holy Grail meets the Crusades meets Revelations meets religious fanaticism/terrorism meets all kinds of shit. :kickass:


I have a few tracks and was pretty impressed, but It doesnt come that close to what I'm looking for.
Yeah, I have one of their ep's. It's good, not my full cup of tea.
zim18 said:
i dont know what it is but the better sounding vocals of a band that you think satan would sound like fucking totally blow my mind!

anyways heres who i think has some of the best vocals in the act....

Napalm Death

i dont know what it is but im getting into grindcore pretty badly! i picked up an origin album and stop at nothing by dying fetus, any other bands youd think id like as well?
Jon from Dissection had the best, imo.
Greg Chandler from Esoteric.
or, Pasi Koskinen from Shape of Despair.

I find Funeral Doom vocals more evil-sounding than death metal or black metal vocals.
Does Pasi use effects on his vocals in shape of despair ?. The vocals are great but I was not use to him having such low vocals since he sang clean in amorphis. It almost king of sounds like he's morphing his regular low vocals. The vocals do sound like his natural vocals toyed with alittle to make them more effective.
I vote Akerfelt of Opeth and Bloodbath
Also the vocalist for Bloodbath and Hypocrisy.

They don't really use their evilist sounding vox all the time, but when they do get nasty, it's just brutal. Good stuff. Akerfelt in Bloodbath really did sound like some serial killer singing while dismembering a victim in a meat locker.
DeadWinterDay said:
LaBrie...well, I assume he's taking a standpoint of "Satan would have a voice that is like torture" right?

LaBrie totally fits that roll.

LaBries's voice is not bad.. Rod Tyler, on the other hand, is not that talented.
>>>Mikaels vocals in Bloodbath are better than peter's.

I agree. In the new Hypocrisy CD, Virus, he really put forth a solid satanic sounding effort though.

I also did not like the new Bloodbath CD at ALL...so that could be why I didn't like Peter's vocals as much on that one.
SheisMySin said:
>>>Mikaels vocals in Bloodbath are better than peter's.

I agree. In the new Hypocrisy CD, Virus, he really put forth a solid satanic sounding effort though.

I also did not like the new Bloodbath CD at ALL...so that could be why I didn't like Peter's vocals as much on that one.

I agree 100%, I loved Bloodbath with Mikael, but now, it's just "meh".