How bad does FaceBook own Myspace?


New Metal Member
May 28, 2008
I actually have both, but I prefer facebook now since i'm 18. (Adult), but facebook sucks total dick music wise... I did have a n00bish one a few yrs ago but me and my freinds closed down our accounts... now i get like 50 scene kids and bands wanting to be my freind... FUCK, I forgot about all the faggotry that goes on there. I'm adding pornstars, so i can send them a pic of my 5 n a half inches of domination (no homo)

So I made another myspace a few days ago... mmmhhh, i wonder if they'll close down my account for that, oh well, jenna haze liked my penis.
Because facebook a website for freinds to keep in touch, where as myspace is if the internet threw up, and taped a picture of a teenager to the pile.
^LOL very true.

I actually feel ashamed for making a new myspace account... But again. The music is the only problem with FB
Fb is better but shows you biznaz to evryone. Ps im on myipod touch on stolen interbuttz so stfu


I like facebook, but I'm really effing sick of all these applications...though I do appreciate their attempts to limit them. I just wish my friends had restraint. I only need so many "Vampire vs. Werewolf" requests.

Myspace is good for music. Facebook is good for creeping on people you used to go to school with.
I use MySpace exclusively. I had a Facebook my Freshman year of college but only because my Freshman Pep Leader said we'd need one for college. I tried it, wasn't very active on it because I didn't like it much, and didn't find any college need to it. I kept it inactive for a long time until late last year I finally deleted it and don't plan on getting a Facebook.
I like MySpace but since my parents have one, and my sister tells all about her MySpace activities to my parents and shows them the pics, Requests, etc.. to them because she spills her guts. :lol: I'm not so comfortable with MySpace as I was. I don't want my parents knowing I talk to online friends, UM, or that I talk long distance on the cell phone to my Online friends. :lol: So maybe one day I'll do away with MySpace because I'd rather Mommy and Daddy be clueless about my online actvities. :lol:
I don't want my parents knowing I talk to online friends, UM, or that I talk long distance on the cell phone to my Online friends. :lol: So maybe one day I'll do away with MySpace because I'd rather Mommy and Daddy be clueless about my online actvities. :lol:


I don't think I could ever one day be truly honest with my parents about my online activities....but then again, I don't think she really understands the internet.
I use MySpace exclusively. I had a Facebook my Freshman year of college but only because my Freshman Pep Leader said we'd need one for college. I tried it, wasn't very active on it because I didn't like it much, and didn't find any college need to it. I kept it inactive for a long time until late last year I finally deleted it and don't plan on getting a Facebook.
I like MySpace but since my parents have one, and my sister tells all about her MySpace activities to my parents and shows them the pics, Requests, etc.. to them because she spills her guts. :lol: I'm not so comfortable with MySpace as I was. I don't want my parents knowing I talk to online friends, UM, or that I talk long distance on the cell phone to my Online friends. :lol: So maybe one day I'll do away with MySpace because I'd rather Mommy and Daddy be clueless about my online actvities. :lol:

That was gay. But good luck tho.

I have both, tho I use MySpace for band, I use Facebook for finding people. I like the fact that on Facebook it's your real name, so you don't have to go throught 5 486 947 594 759 764 people's friend's friend's friend's friends to find someone (this was a fictional number, thanks).

Tho Facebook isn't user friendly at all and those motherfucking application are ANNOYING as an old austrian bastard trying to convince you to visit his basement. "Someone-you-never-speak-to-and-wish-you-won't never-anymore is trying to send you a Margaritas. Add the "SEND A DRINK" application."A DRINK? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? If I want a drink I'll face my fear of society and light, change my molecular-fusioned underwear and go to the bar next street, I for sure won't LOL ADD THIS PROGRAM a 12 years old birtish named Kevin "Hi-LOL-wow-you-are-a-girl-;P" did cause he had 10 minutes to porn-of before his parent get back to getting the mail and still have 9 minute to annoy-someone-with.

PS: Citrus sounds a lot like circus and somehow they both gives me the same warm feeling insinde, tho a pack of clown takes more place in my anus than a lemon.

We feed them with Elves and Apples.

Because you are actually a said Argentinians, and that "cultures" and "general knowledge" got a bit of time to travel to under developement part of world, yes, I meant you are a troll.

On a different higher-pitched note, trolling are made for newbies, smoeone of your stature should use of a different method to ensure his throne!
