How can I detect when my monitors are clipping?


Jul 16, 2009
Hello all!

Is there any way I can detect when my monitors are clipping? I don’t mean clipping due to the input source being too loud, but when we are raising the volume. For example having them set at maximum volume (100%) when we normally listen to them at an average percent of the volume (50%).
I ask, because I have seen that in some monitors there is a CLIP LED, showing you when you have driven your speakers too much such ass KRK VXT series, TAPCO S series, FOCAL CMS series etc…

Is there any way I can detect when my monitors are clipping? I don’t mean clipping due to the input source being too loud, but when we are raising the volume. For example having them set at maximum volume (100%) when we normally listen to them at an average percent of the volume (50%).
When the voice coil of a speaker gets hot from overload it's not really moving in and out as it should any more but it gets stuck in a fixed position resulting in a compressed grungy distorted sound. Besides sounding distorted it can stop producing sound momentarily until it cools down or just goes south completely.

You can also clip an amp. Imo/e it's better to over power spaekers than under power them. I run 2 mono block Bryston B4 NrB's at 800 watts each that have green yellow and red indicators.
for my krk rp5's i usually listen for a little sorta
clicking/popping sorta sound in the tweeters
but i can push them louder than most people dream of listening to stuff so it's ok