how can i make my recording better?


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2009
seminole florida
hey guys you all seem to know what your talking about..i started a home (solo) band...i use the v-amp 2 for guitar and bass...beta monkey loops for the drums...and as of now mixcraft.. this is a link to my myspace check it out and let me know what i can do to make it tryin for a suicide silence/ waking the cadaver tone.. like a thick warm overall tone...thanks a ton guys..:Spin:
What exactly do you want to make better?

First off you're probably gonna have to ditch the v-amp immediately, I doubt any usable recording tones can come out of one of those. Also, get Reaper (badass free DAW ) and learn how to use it.

Biggest advice I can give you overall is read ALL of the stickies (they contain some of the best knowledge that has been shared on this forum), and just read or search through the forums.
sorry if i was to brod..i was looking for tips as far as over all tone..drums need more (blank) guitars have to much mids or whatever..and links like you sent me stuff like far as the v-amp i think you can get a fine tone out of a pod,guitar rig, or v-amp maybe not for real high end but for a small bedroom set up its gota work..and btw thanks for the link im lookin it over now it sounds sick!
o hey i just got says its not free and is a 30 day trial?..what do you do just use it for 30 days then re-download over and over?

or after the 30 days you can realise that you can't live without it and actually pay for it? its only $50 or so for non-commercial licence

i had a v-amp 2, i sold it pretty quickly though, it was pretty nasty sounding for high gain stuff
Reaper isn't free tobin, although you can continue to use the trial version indefinitely
it's a completely awesome DAW though, runs on anything, completely flexible, can even be installed on a USB stick!
comes with some awesome free plugs too, inc i think ALL of the stillwell plugs
if you're down with cheap/behringer, consider behringer's sansamp clone in your bag of low budget home studio tricks - it's only like 30 bucks and sounds pretty good (obviously get a real sansamp if you can afford that). I use it all the time for solos and peeps don't seem to call it out. Might be more "real" sounding than their digital stuff sinced it's an analog circuit. Has a nice balanced out too if you're down with that.

+1 on using soundclick instead.
yeah il get on soundclick....and if its not free how can you use it forever? dose it just not let you mixdown after the 30 days?.. im not super impressed with the v-amp but i know a lot of people use the pod and all the reviews say that oddly enuf the v-amp is much better than the pod..i had guitar rig 3 a wile ago and i loved the tone that thing could make but i could not get it to work as a plug in for was only workin as a stand alone toy
it just carries on working. You dont have a license past 30 days, so it's illegal to do it, but it does just carry on working.
If you find you like it pay the $50 for the private license, it's absolute peanuts for such a brilliant piece of software
yeah il get on soundclick....and if its not free how can you use it forever? dose it just not let you mixdown after the 30 days?.. im not super impressed with the v-amp but i know a lot of people use the pod and all the reviews say that oddly enuf the v-amp is much better than the pod..i had guitar rig 3 a wile ago and i loved the tone that thing could make but i could not get it to work as a plug in for was only workin as a stand alone toy

v-amp should work OK; might just need to experiment with layering 4 gits; or experimenting direct vs. mic'ed vs. a combination of the two methods.
try putting a cab impulse on a directly recorded v-amp 2 (with cab sim turned off on the v amp, if you dont know how to do that it's to do with different modes, it's in the manual somewhere if i remember right)