How come In Flames never seem to play Jotun anymore?

Maybe the dont want to play it. They can get sick of playing the same song for five or six years. I think it is overrated, and I would rather hear Gyroscope live. Their set list is changing, and They're going to play too many songs from RTR, and I'm glad they took off Jotun before other songs they play.
Also, If they try to fit an image, why do they still play Clad In Shadows, Behind Space, and Moonshield? They still play good songs live. They just want people lke you to deny their existance so they can do whatever they want without being insulted and misjudged.

Gyroscope sucks ass live. So does Moonshield. Jotun rocks pretty hard. If they are sick of playing tunes how bout getting Episode 666 out of there? They've played it at every show since it came out pretty much. But I'd be pissed cuz I love that one too.
Heh, I'd kill to see any IF song live. Practically anything from TJR and Whoracle, my guess, would sound relatively great live.
I dont think Episode 666 is overplayed, you cant really get sick of it... you can get sick of bullet ride though, i dont think its really suited for a live audience.
Maybe the dont want to play it. They can get sick of playing the same song for five or six years. I think it is overrated, and I would rather hear Gyroscope live.

ummm, they've pretty much had the same setlist for the same amount of time. i would totally take jotun over moonshield, i think jotun is 10x better live because of the speed. but like when i saw IF for the first time a few weeks ago, its fuckin hard not to be amazed at how they pull off the harmonies of moonshield. as for gyroscope, i personally think that song doesnt belong in their setlist. had they substituted that song for embody or clad in shadows, i would have no complaints about the set i saw
I dont think Moonshield sounds good live either. Gyroscope usually sounds pretty good to me.

The played Jotun when they came to SF in 2002 tho :tickled:
nemuu said:
Steve, is it just me or doesnt gyroscope really suck live? judging from the many versions ive heard, they play it WAY too fast

The speed is exellent on gyro and moonshield live, plus the harmonized break in moonshield is awesome.
I like Gyroscope, but that song gets the worst response live. I'm dying to hear Jotun. I don't understand the whole "we got bored of it" argument. Haven't they gotten bored of doing Bullet Ride, Ordinary Story, Pinball Map, and Colony like every single show for the past 3 years?