How come


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
How come there is no life here? AS have released the album of their whole career and everyone is dead silent :yow: :lol:
I thought it was a great album. Joey's production is spot on, and the band has never sounded better. I wish John & Pearl's vox were turned up in "With a Full head of Steam"! Overall a 9.1/10 I would think. Still under the grandeur of SoS, DN & Revelation, but still a great album!!!!
I think it's their best. Ever.
Like it even more than Revelation, way more than Symbol, way way more than Delirious Nomad.

You're right about their vox being a little turned down in the mix though.
I only got the time to listen to it today and have to listen some more before I can write my review.
I absolutely LOVE the music on this album. It sounds like classic Saint, but it still pushes the boundaries of their sound just like La Raza did. The riffs are better, the twin attack is present, it's amazing. Best music they've released since SoS.

Lyrically, it's the worst they've ever done. Some of the lyrics are so bad that I actually cringe listening to them.

It will take some getting used to.