How did you discover Symphony X


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
I was on the Blind Guardian board and read a topic that said something like: 'Blind Guardian no longer my favourite band'. Then in the topic he mentioned he liked a band called Symphony X a hell of a lot more. Being curious I checked this mysterious group out at CDNOW via song samples. I first tried out Evolution and was instantly hooked.

The End. :)
I read a review of V, and the reviewer made the cd sound so damn good I had to go out and buy it. The next day I drove around to every cd store within a 50 mile radius to try and hunt it down. Of course it was the last cd store I hit that had it. Then that night I ordered everyone of their cds from

On a side note, The Odyssey is just fucking amazing!!!! To me it has a little bit of every cd that they have put out in it. The only problem now is that its going to a couple of years until we get more music from these guys. I hope they come to Colorado sometime soon.......
I was looking around for new bands in Audiogalaxy(when all was good :cry: )the interface was great to discover new bands. I downloaded an mp3 of evolution and I was hooked then I got copies of The Divine Wings Of Tragedy and V:)
I was actually surfing the Dream Theater forums, when someone posted a question about other bands that kicked ass. Symphony X was mentioned so I went to Audiogalaxy at the time, and downloaded the first 10 songs that were listed. "Blown away" is all I can say when I heard the incredible music and phenomenal vocals. They were the band I had been searching for, for a few years now. I have since purchased everything I can get my greedy little hands on. I am shaking with anticipation of the live show I'm going to witness in December, can't wait. hehe
Man audiogalaxy was great for discovering new bands:cry:I still go there and post on the boards though. Now I can hardly get to know any new bands at all:( that fucking RIAA pisses me off :mad: all they want is to keep their ''mainstream''money making machines safe and crush all the talented bands wich many of them use the internet to promote themselves.

Ps.don't get me wrong,I'm not saying that all mainstream bands are bad :)
I was on metal blade records site and

I was on metal blades site in my computer infancy stage around 2 years ago, when I saw the V cover art and the band name. I was intrigued by the name, but figured they were death metal. Boy was I wrong, they are fucking brilliant, and their band name does them great justice, it says it all.
My 15-year old son was getting into Prog drumming, and my wife & I went looking for some new music for him. She had headphones on in the record store, removed them and looked at me rather dazed and said "I just heard the most incredible band I've EVER heard in my life". We bought all the CDs and we have been hooked. We are never disappointed. ("Fallen" was the song that really did it, there was no turning back!) No-one heard of them...but now there is a Symx Forum with SymX friends! Great!:D
Way back in the mid-90's I was really bored and so tired of all the "mainstream" stuff that I was being force-fed everywhere.
I checked out any band possible if there was any band that could put me into the mood again. So, I spent most of my time at record stores, listening to tons of albums, when the SX debut caught my attention. I listened to it and instantly liked it. I didn't buy it back then though, since that second hand copy looked crappy.

Anyway, SX have glued themselves into the back of my mind back then, and I never forgot about them, even though I bought other bands' albums.
When TDWOT was released, Out Of The Ashes (10 seconds of it, actually) did the trick! From that moment on, SX have claimed the #1 spot in my personal hall of fame and never left... The rest, or so they say, is history...
I read an online review of The Divine Wings Of Tragedy that made the disc seem like one of the best ever and looking back the review was on target. That was until V came out and the jury is still out on the Odyssey.
During a meeting, a good friend of mine put TDWOT into the CD player and said: "This band composes music, like Mozart!" Out of the ashes kicked serious ass and the next day the album was mine...:) Since this day, I``ve been on a mission to convert as many people as possible...:p
It's really skeptical how I discovered Syph. X. I did hear them and DT about 3 years ago when I first heard my friend/piano player play Metropolis: SFAM. He also had some Symph X. Mp3s on his computer. That had me interested.

After picking up some DT albums and finding their whole collection on, I saw a link to Symphony X. Then I proceeded to get some SX albums, I still don't have their whole collection yet (unfortunately).
Heard Michael Romeo's solo on Analog Kid from the Working Man Rush tribute. Literally ran out and bought TDWOT the next day.. Have all the albums now. Yep, even the first one!
About 2 years ago this one online friend of mine were just talking about music and stuff (hes a guy I know from a video games message board) and he sent me "In the Dragons Den". He said "These guys sound pretty cool, this is the only song i have by them though" So I listened to it and I was like "Whoa this rocks!" and I proceeded to DL more and then i like forced him to get more too and eventually i got their albums and they became my favorite band. Not right away, but id say after a few months they grew on me. For some reason i think Symphony X gets better the more you listen to them. They can be a little hard to get into for a lot of people I think, because you dont really realize the complexity of their music right away, at least not to the great extent that you do after analyzing it from many many listens. Symphony X is like a fine wine, it gets better with age.
I was looking on amazon for bands similar to Rhapsody which is right when i started getting into Prog and Power metal and saw some bands that other customers bought like Dream Theater, Stratovarius, and Symphony X downloaded bunch of songs and i have liked Symphony X and bunches of other bands since.