How did you hear about Theocracy

In 2008, after trawling the net for weeks in search of decent Christian power metal, I decided to buy Frozen Inside by HB on iTunes.
Then I saw Mirror of Souls in the "Listeners Also Bought" list. The artwork looked good and a few seconds of samples sounded good, but I wasn't sure what to think of there being only 8 tracks, and one of them over 20 minutes. Really unsure, I made the purchase, and then worried that I'd made a mistake.

A couple of hours later, when I'd listened to Frozen Inside & Mirror of Souls, my mind was blown, and Theocracy has been my favourite band ever since!
I praise God for Theocracy, and I thank iTunes for the suggestion!!!
In the end of last year by a friend of mine when I asked for some metal with Christian lyrics and he lended me Mirror of Souls and I fell deeply in love with the music and the gospel and it ended up with me buying all the albums ! As the World Bleeds got me even stronger and the first remastered selftitled one I haven't yet heard a lof of since that friend of mine borrowed it from me but it's ok since I still have two and Theocracy doesn't get old fast no it just makes you want to press repeat so yes I dito Aish! in his praise and pray for a fourth album soon :)
I used an app/game/whatever on Kongregate called MusicQuest Pro. You basically just entered what genre you felt like listening to, and it automatically made a playlist for you. After listening to a lot of Christian Rock, I decided I'd give Christian Metal a try. And well, Theocracy ended up in my playlist.
A few years ago, I used watch this review show called Frothy Pint of Metal. One day somebody recommended that the host review a band called Theocracy. I saw the cover for their first album and thought "meh, cheesy Christian metal". Then about a year later, I decided to look the band up on Youtube because I was bored. After listening to 'I Am', I was instantly hooked.
In checking my anal Excel spreadsheet of CD purchases, I got Theocracy's self-titled album on January 5, 2004. I ordered it from the Laser's Edge along with 9 other CDs in the same order. I am guessing I either was intrigued by the album description on the Laser's Edge website, or I heard about them on the Mike Portnoy web forum. Either way, I am pretty sure the album was a blind purchase for that definitely paid off. :) I think I got the CD before hearing the Christmas medley, though it is possible I heard the Christmas medley first - which may have also prompted the purchase.
2002 or 2003 checking out the Yamaha AW44 boards. I believe it was the demo for Serpent's Kiss. Was absolutely floored at the time it was one guy!

I heard them [him] around that time, as well, and likewise, freaked when I was told it was one guy!
I've been a fan every since, though.