How did you stumble across DD?

Sam_Seed said:
I happen to know the guys personally. How did you come to know DD?
That's cool that you know them. Well I am a huge Katatonia fan and so it was inevitable for me not to find out about DD. After all Jesse is the Forum Moderator so I just checked out some mp3 samples and BAM!!! And that is how I found out about DD
I found out about DD through the metal channel and i heard the song I Wait and I was blown away.Shortly after i bought the cd. Which is now my favorite out of my collection. I'd just like to say thanks to DD for making such great music and that i can't wait to hear the new album.
I knew Jesse was responsible for the Katatonia website (the "katatonia shroud" at this time). When I learnt he plays in aband, I couldn't imagine something bad coming from someone so devoted to Katatonia. I checked the "Idle" songs, I liked them but they somehow miss the darkness I love in "No reply". I was blown away by "No reply" as soon as I heard the first samples. The best band in this style since October Tide disappeared...
I really look forward hearing more of them. Their music is so interesting you could listen to the album a thousand times and discover each time something new in it.
I also heard them on the metal channel one morning and was really impressed. I didn't have enough money for their cd, but my birthday was coming up and my gf got it for me a few weeks later.
I had read about them here at for a while, checked out their forum, loved the things people were saying about them (the Katatonia webmaster thing, descriptions of the album/sound)... and lo and behold, one turns up in the c.d store around the corner (more or less) from where I live. I figured it was some kind of sign or something, so I bought it immediately and here I am! Actually, I bought it about a year ago, but I've always been floating around.
I "met" jesse back in the early ninties I think maybe? maybe mid not sure on IRC Undernet #deathmetal. Used to shoot the shit there. He introduced me to In Flames ( subterranean just out) katatonia, Opeth etc. Back then I was like the only person In the south who owned a CD burner. I remember a band Jesse knew members of sent me their demo tape to put on CD and I think I ended up totally fucking the CD up. If I remember right it was like all loud as shit on one channel. I went off into the service and was sitting at work in florida checking out Relapse and saw Daylight Dies signed. So I click the link and was totally surprised to see Jesse there. I said oh shit. Later on I happened to be passing through a record store and saw the album. Never heard it, but had heard someof Jesse's stuff back in the day, knew his taste in music..figured it could be bad. It kicked ass.

I eventually converted fellow coworkers to listen to bands like opeth and katatonia and several are proud owners of DD now too.
I also heard about them on the metal channel on Directv. It was last January or February. Of course, it was I Wait and I downloaded it. I remember it took me all day to find it. We had a day off of school due to snow and that is what happened before I finally got it. I loved it, but eventually deleted it for some reason. Even after reading reviews on and everything. I do not know why, at the time I must have thought that it was too depressing because of situations at the time and I guess that it reminded me of shitty things and times. I think this past February, I was thinking about them and I listen to I Wait on a CD that I had made last year and I loved it, so I ended up getting all of the tracks on No Reply and still have yet to buy it. I was supposed to get it for my birthday last month, but the person lied to me and got me two CD's that they were supposed to get me along with No Reply. I plan on buying it very soon. I think this is the best American band that I have ever heard in my life.
Sam_Seed said:
I happen to know the guys personally. How did you come to know DD?

I have been buying lots of metal cds from sellers on ebay. I like Opeth, Katatonia, (October Tide), and others with that style of music. One of the sellers said if you like Opeth and Katatonia you will like Daylight Dies. I bought No reply and was stunned. I also just bought Idle from another seller. Shortly thereafter I went to Daylight Dies website and read everything and watched the video from their amsterdam concert appearance. This band is now one of my favorites. I can't wait for there next album and wish they would come out to the West Coast to play.

I saw them perform a song on the Relapse Concert DVD, and I was really impressed. Even judging by that one song they seem like one of the best bands on that label.