How do access European market?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
Alright, here's my question: How do you promote in a different continent?

My new CD I think would fare a LOT better in Europe than it ever would in the US, but I don't know of any way to really give it exposure over there. Does anyone know of any smaller European labels/distros that would be interested in that sort of thing?

Or, a more realistic option, magazines/other press that may be interested in doing reviews of this kind of thing?
1) Don't play metalcore
2) Send a CD to a shitload of magazines and do lots of interviews
3) Come for a Europe-wide tour
4) Rinse and repeat

1) is easy enough :D 2) would be awesome, what magazines should I send the CD to? And for 3)... That is the subject of my dreams.

What kind of music style do you guys play?

Symphonic black/death/power metal. It's complicated :lol: PM replied to though.
Torniojaws deserves + 100 and i would like to add, not only Metalcore but everything ends in CORE.

Do a google search for mags and webs, then send emails to everybody and ask for their addresses and send tons of CD's. That's a start.
Sorry but thats just BULLSHIT!!!!

If you are playing in a realy good metalcore band all doors are open!!!!

Take Parkway drive for example.....

Watch the PWD DVD and you get a picture of how hart it could be to get sucess in europe:)

I do think he is right about the metalcore thing if you are going to be into serious music business. All doors are open?

I don't think so. I had talks to several major/indie labels and none of them were interested in metalcore bands like those we have on the market allready. I have several examples for good metalcore bands that just don't get any attention because they do what they do.
i was actually just dicking about, learn not take every word i say so seriously man, cheeeel weenston.

anyway, the real money in the music industry is being a session musician by the sounds of things, but i guess that doesnt help this topic and is a discussion for another day :)
Don't talking about Bands like Heaven shall burn, As i lay dying.... I am Talking about Bands like misery Signals, emmure bla bla bla
this is all mainly metalcore....imo. It is just the Next Generation of metalcore....
but for real, metal is a good market only in scandinavia, but since it is such a small market (~25 million people) compared to the whole other europe (700 million people), its kinda tough luck. Kinda like back in the day you could've been "Big in Japan" but nothing everywhere else, the todays metalbands can be "Big in Scandinavia" but nothing everywhere else.
but for real, metal is a good market only in scandinavia, but since it is such a small market (~25 million people) compared to the whole other europe (700 million people), its kinda tough luck. Kinda like back in the day you could've been "Big in Japan" but nothing everywhere else, the todays metalbands can be "Big in Scandinavia" but nothing everywhere else.

Hell, that's perfectly acceptable to me :D
Hey guys. I have a great idea for you.

Just list here the most read/reviewed magazines, mid sized labels, and webzines, from your country. The info would be awesome to try to spread in other countries, without searching in the fog.

France :

Most read magazines in sort of underground styles :
- Metallian (THE french metal magazine, mostly interviews with big bands but also a lot of starting ones. It's a bit cheesy or kitsch sometimes but it's a good one. A lot of demo reviews and unknown bands interviews.
- Rock hard (actually quite bad, speaks only about the same big bands, over and over, like those guitar magazines. but you can still try, I guess they show some demos too).
- Elegy (Goth/alternative magazine. If your music is not pure metal and is a little electro/groovy/dark, it may interest them as well, dunno)

Webzines :
- I love, I knew at a time the creator, very kind. Most read webzine here
- I used to love too. Nice one, again
in my humble opinion its almost impossible for a band that does not tour on a regular basis here to build up a fanbase and enter the european market.
no one buys albums anymore. the only way to stay inside of peoples heads is to tour and tour...

take dredg (not really metal though) for example :
they tour the us for 3-5 months then come back to europe (especially here in germany) they return 2-3 times a year the same venues (+1500 pax) and its always sold out.

if you dont play here, people forget you. why? because there are just sooo many bands polluting our ears penetrating our myspace accounts with :
" hey danny (new album mixes online!!!),
really cool music here!
we have our new ep on our page.
broootallz stuff. go chekc it out."

its very hard over here to enter the market even from within :)