How do Contribute ¯\(°_o)/¯ (Germany/Greece)??

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
According to this article on

"Germany has contributed the most money to Greece's bailouts, compared to the other eurozone members, because the size of its economy means it pays the largest amount to the region's rescue funds. However it has also been Athens' strongest critic, insisting that Greeks take on more austerity measures and reforms to right their economy and remain solvent..."

This is the definition of "contribute", according to
1. to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc., as for charitable purposes.
2. to furnish (an original written work, drawing, etc.) for publication: to contribute stories to a magazine.

So now I am confused. My understanding is that Germany/Other European countries are loaning money to Greece so that Greece can get out of debt. And then Greece will be paying the interest off for the next 100 years (fucken Germans lol). Yet this article suggests that Germany is giving money to Greece. Which would mean that there is no interest charge.

Surely this article (written by a Greek no less) must be 100% accurate, because everything on the Internet is accurate, right?

So someone please clarify: How do contribute? ¯\(°_o)/¯
Not gonna clarify anything, niether i am any sort of whatever highly educated person. but to be honest. Ignore the whole Euro shit. Didnt read the article tho. It isnt worth it. Dont think there is need to say fucking germans. Cause germany and france will be the ones keeping the european economy up i think. I would more like to say fucking belgians. There are like almost the smallest country in the EU, having the biggest mouth, european ministers/officials are their main export product. The european president (you cant campare this guy with for example Obama or any US president when it comes to power or whatever) is belgian, while his place of origin (Belgium) will be break up soon or late. Has nothing to do with the whole greece thing, but... it just a bit ironic to me really.
Honestly i havent watched the news for months now i think, or at least no news about the whole euro stuff. I didnt expect the whole greece thing was still going on. It has been for years now tho, greece ppl must be seriously getting pissed off, you can be sure of that. Do to the lack of some english knowlegde i dont understand all what the article is saying tho. But maybe Merkel is actually trying to play the game in a smart way. Would be abit silly to give a county a shitload of money, and then start to asking it back. Germany is probably the only country in europe is experienced in paying back stuff. As far as i remember (from what i learned years ago in history class), after the first world war, germany was the country who had alot of paying back to do, wich is one of the reasons world war 2 started. If life becomas harder for ppl, ppl get angryer, and i dont think germany want this to happen. Then again is still alot wrong in greece. When the whole greece thing started, the news was mentioning alot of their faults. One example i can remember is that already deceaded ppl still recieved pension payments.
I know this still doesnt clarify alot for you, i just was bit bored so :D, but i know they all could save alot by just giving all those damn ministers or parlement fucks only 50% of their current salary. They would still have a nice life then.

you serious about the Belgium thing?