how do epic gang-shouts

Well, I don't think headphones are overrated... I usually line the takes up to the grid to get them as close as possible to one another, but I haven't thought about quantizing them! Are you just using beat detective to do this, Brian?

i just do it manually. I learned to quantize drums before getting multi track beat detective, so i've always quantized everything by hand. I do use a keyboard with 18 extra keys for assinging programmable macros though. That saves alot of time.
macro=multiple keycommands or actions triggered by a key command or in this case a button.

I use elastic audio to line up gang or background vocals. Pick one that's in time, or close to, then visually line up the waveforms of the other tracks to match that one.

That's a simplified explanation but fuck it, that's all you're getting. :D
that's so dumb that it pisses me off haha

I could see that being useful for something completely different, but not "gang vocals" vox.mp3

This was 12 takes of 8 people. Panned 100<-80<-60<-40<-20<-10-10->.20->40->60->80
eq'd, Compressed, De Essed, and a bit of reverb

Listening to this now, i pretty much raped the gang vox with the de esser:erk:

brian, it sounds good for me and i like that song.
how it calls the band?
People mentioned quantizing gang vocals... doesn't that kind of ruin the desired effect? The gang shout is all about sounding like a bunch of different people with different voices NOT in perfect timing with one another. Close is good, but perfect is just, weird...
People mentioned quantizing gang vocals... doesn't that kind of ruin the desired effect? The gang shout is all about sounding like a bunch of different people with different voices NOT in perfect timing with one another. Close is good, but perfect is just, weird...

Its still going to be messy because there are multiple people per take. Its just so that you can understand what they're saying and its not just 'ahauherhaha!'