How do i add more 'air' or 'life' to my mixes?


Jul 18, 2017
I finished these mixes few days ago, im somewhat happy with how they turned out (especially drums). But i feel that they lack life, sound dull, and blank. Basically lack that modern sparkle( i dont know how to call it ;d). Maybe its just beacuse of volume levels or something. Here is my master chain if that might be the problem: Eq with low end and high boosts and few minor cuts, bus compressor, and then maseratti mastering plugin, really simple "no brainer" way of mastering, but i have no clue how to master so,yeah :D. I would highly appreciate any help.
Here are the two of my most recent mixes, would be cool if you would check rest of my stuff, and give me some feedback( there is shitload of it, scattered across few genres, mostly metal though) :

Please help,it would mean an awful lot :(
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Listened to the first song about one minute and the whole mix sounds squashed. Listen especially at about 46-47 sec. How can you not hear that awful boom? And you ask why it lacks life? :DThe kick and bass sounds weak. Don't start mastering until you have mastered mixing first. Mastering is just the icing on the cake. It should sound good before you even think of mastering. Trying to polish a turd is a bad idea. Do you have reference song before you start mixing? If it sounds dull, well if you need to raise from e.g. from 3 db to 12 db on the snare, just do it. Do what it takes to get you there.
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That boom was a short bass drop, it happens good few times during the song :D. Kick as I hear cuts through, and has nasty low end that makes it slightly boomy at 30-50 hz or so at, you can clearly hear it at 1:10 ( atleast I can :d). When it comes to bass I decided not to make it too loud, which is usually do.
How do i make it sound less squashed though, thats also what I meant when I started this thread? I dont have a huge expirience and I'm still experimenting on every mix.
Thanks for feedback
No need for more feedback!
Everything has been clarified on other forum.
If its possible you can delete this thread