How do I get this vocal effect?

Jul 7, 2009
First off, if you haven't heard this, Volumes new song is sick.

But I'm concerned about the part at 2:40 if you want to just skip there, the clean vocals come in and sound HUGE, but there's no harmonies except on like one phrase near the end of the chorus and the rest of it doesn't even sound doubled. How do you achieve this effect? Names of specific plugins to try would be nice.


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Its not really a vocal effect.. its just somebody singing haha. So do what Cory said! Vocalign helps too with double tracking tightly for that chorusy type of sound. Something i do to make it easier to tune vocals later/get good in tune takes if you don't have perfect pitch is to have say a guitar tuner plugin on the vocal chain when recording and watch the notes he is hitting so you can see when hes on and off from the melody, also writing the melody on a keyboard or a guitar will help somebody hit the notes properly i think.