How do i know the value of my faders?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
I was about to try out ahjteams suggestion on making tracks sound bigger and there's one part thats got me stumped

'bring up the bass first and keep that as a benchmark. Have it fucking slammed against the compressor and put it so that the peaks hit at -18dBFS and never move it again.'

How do i know where -18 db's is?

edit : I tried bringing my fader down to -18 but that doesnt seem like what he was talking about, think i realise hes talking about the threshold of the compressor now, god i feel stupid.

Im going to feel more stupid if that isnt the answer
-18 on the fader (EDIT : METER, SORRY :)). So it peaks on it, loudest hit is at -18. If it normally is at, let's say, -8, bring it down 10dB and start mixing from there, bringing the other faders down.
not -18dB on the fader, but maximum peaks at -18dB on the meters


In this picture in the "Wave" (the first track) the peak is at -12.8