How do make a dolby dvd for live live use?


Apr 19, 2004
London, UK
The problem is the following:

I have to make 2 stereo tracks for live use which will be put on a DVD and played by a dvd player:

1) Click + effects -> Drummer
2) Effects + backing vocals -> mixer

Since i don't have a dolby system here to check i need to know exactly how to configure the outs in cubase 5. That should not be hard but i need to be sure it works fine.
If anyone could help it would be really appreciated
Make 2 tracks, pan the click track 100% L, backing vocal 100R, render to stereo mp3 file, upload to ipod, profit.

I wouldn't trust a dvd player live.
stereo image doesn't really matter in live-enviroment.

and the drummer does use a small mixer or something to amplify the signal from the ipod, right?

u say that if i have some stuff panned somewhere left/right could be still audible?
Now the drummer has a signal amplifier so that would be a minor prob.
I'm concerned about the lost of some elements in the effects
u say that if i have some stuff panned somewhere left/right could be still audible?
Now the drummer has a signal amplifier so that would be a minor prob.
I'm concerned about the lost of some elements in the effects

you can't pan stuff to one side and have it still be a stereo effect, and mono is fine for live use unless you've got some huge pro tools playback rig