How do new bass strings change your song (clip)


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
I just changed my bass strings for the first time since I'm using it more intensively and I'm aiming at recording lines in a few days/weeks, so I went for bigger strings, and found it fun to record before/after change of strings.

It's a shitty but usefuil LTD B50 with D'addario 130 (it's a 5 set trings and I'm using only the 5 low ones, I couldn't find a good set of strings for C here)
First DI, then with a little amp on it.

No big news of course but still nice to have on my harddrive to make a point to someone when I say "shut the fuck up and buy new strings"
I don't know, really old they were almost rusty. I bought my bass used some months ago, but as I don't play it regularly, and cause bass strings are expensive, I had never changed them.

An important fact is also that they went from something around 105 to 130 in the process (it was in E and I play in C so I changed the gauge too) but the most important factor here is the fact strings are new.

I think it's impressive how different it sounds, even in the most fundamental characteristics of the sound.
It's pretty obvious bass will sound different with new strings but really... It needs to be in a mix to say anything. The same goes for that YT clip.
What's more interesting, from my experience bass string take up to 4 hours of abuse, after that they're wasted...

tough on the budget for sure :/
It's pretty obvious bass will sound different with new strings but really... It needs to be in a mix to say anything. The same goes for that YT clip.

I think in this particular case, it's quite obvious which one is not only going to sound better in the mix, but also be easier to SIT in the mix