How do Rock Stars keep Such a Flat Stomach?


Apr 14, 2008
Ok Whats up with this? I was looking at the pics of Motley Crue from the other thread and I think its Tommy Lee who was guzzling some whiskey with this flat thin stomach. I have noticed this a lot. Some rock stars get real fat and out of shape, but a lot of them, despite all their partying have no stomach. I want to know this secret. Axel Rose, Slash, Dave Navarro, Tommy Lee, Mick Jagger, dozens and dozens of other rock stars who have absolutely no body fat. Whats the secret? I eat one burger and some beer and my gut's sticking out. These guys eat road kill, drink a 5th of jack and take uppers downers, heroine, coke, etc, and their stomach is flat as a board with even ripped abs sometimes.

What's the deal?
They can afford to build a gym in their house and have a trainer come on their schedule to push them through daily workouts.... They probably take their trainer on the road with them... or all of the above :)
I don't know if thats it. I have gone through periods of working out 5 days a work real hard and I never got a stomach like Tommy Lee. Plus, do you really think these rock stars work out that much? Maybe they do, but it just seems out of character for a drug addict/alcoholic to be working out that hard every day, especially on the road. Look at Jimmy Hendricks fro instance, you know he didn't have a personal trainer and that guy was one skinny mofo.
Actually Nikki had a belly going, although in those Crue pics you couldn't tell. Vince just put weight on but I wouldn't say he had a belly going. Tommy and Mick stayed thin. Not all rock stars stay thin. Look at Ozzy. Wash board stomach? Not. More like beach ball. I'm sure what you put into your body has some sort of role, but I wouldn't limit it to that. Everybodies body is different. I have friends that can't gain weight no matter what they do.
Red Shirt obviously not all rock stars are thin. I stated that in the original post. But I am talking about the many that do stay paper thin. I am convinced they have a trick, like take lots of laxatives or something.