How do slip edit guitars?!?!

Why is everyone being so unhelpful in this thread? From sarcasm to acting like he should know everything to the very end where people insist you should get a perfect take. Recording doesn't work like any of that.

You're recording other people. That means you rely on THEIR performance, NOT yours. You can only do so much. If a band/musician you're recording simply does not have the skill to do a perfect take in a certain amount of time, you have to move on and find a way to make it work. If that means slip editing, a person should learn how to do that.

This needs to be a place where people can ask questions like this with little previous knowledge about the subject and walk away from the conversation with new information that helps them record and produce better.

Bottom line.

I came to this thread to learn about the same subject. I've learned nothing. Some people were helpful. But a lot were not and kind of had an elitist attitude.

I hope I don't offend anyone. But this was a disappointing thread to see in such an otherwise great community.
My only recommendation with slip editing guitars is don't have a case of OCD like me and over do it. I have totally over done it on my own stuff I record before.

If you quantize a section of a song and then a/b it with the unquantized version and hear no difference your out of control. I wish I would have got that through my thick scull a year ago.