How do YOU define "nu-metal"?

well its not so much the music that i dont like, its the boys with skateboards, and there new image , that they got overnight, its strange but i see boys now with baggie jeans, and spiky hair, and like yesterday they were wearing a nike trackie hhhahaa its brainwashin them :grin:
that i would blame on the idiots themselves, rather than any band. obviously they care more about their image than the music (which is quite funny because i guess they don't realize how retarted they look), but lets not for get the idiot "tr00 kvlt blakk metallers" again.... they have a good amount of retarted fans too who care more about their "true black metal, Opeth and Emperor and Dimmu Borgir is for pussy mainstream fags" image.... i hate those people even more than those baggy jeans kids.