How do you do artificial harmonics?

Lithium said:
OMG I cant make them ring.....its so frustrating. Does it matter what pickup I choose? So I just slightly touch it with my thumb? Its so hard I cant believe alexi does that all the the middle of solos.....fuckin GOD that guy, GOD!

Are you trying to do a pinch harmonic, and it's better to use the bridge pickup, if you're trying a natural harmonic you dont use your thumb for it.
blindvomit said:
Check out any live vids from Children of Bodom, that's one of Alexis favorite tricks, I havent seen a video of him when he doesn't do it. :Spin: It's like picking a note but you hover your finger above the string to where it is bearly touching it, it's better to do it right above the fret wire, you usually get them easier that way, oh and you get them on the intervals bloody mentioned.

OMG! dude those are soo easy... he does a demo on the Passage To The Reaper vid right? if so then yea those are frikknig easy to pull off man...

damn, i feel pretty cool right about now!:Spin:
TheSeldomlaid said:
I do that, and forget it before the next day :p

But they're damned hard to nail with sharp 1.3s.
haha.. I don't know, maybe your holding the pick so that it makes it difficult or something.. I pull it off the first try after not playing guitar for hours :)

TheSeldomlaid said:
I prefer pussy to cock :p
PWNED :lol:
Dude I still cant do it....U guys make it sound so easy. With my fretting hand, so I actually ''press'' on the fretboard? Or do I do it like natural harmonics? Fuck I feel like a total guitar Ub3rn00b right now...
pinch harmonic= i fret 12 on the d string. i choke up o nthe pick so that it is really close to the side of thumb. i pick the string then as i pick it my thumb touches it barely. isnt that a pinch harmonic?

artifical harmonics= there are sweet spots on certain frets. you just gotta touch the string really lightly and pick it. that is how i do it. but im self taught so
Artificial Harmonics are like natural harmonics. Just play a note, then right as you pick it, lightly touch it with your finger on the fret that's an octave higher than the one your right hand is at.