how do you do pinch harmonics?

as far as i knew, pinch and artificial are one in the same. called pinch because of the means to play it and called artificial because theyre not the "true" harmonics that come from lightly touching the string at different spots, but rather by touching the string in strategic spots after its vibrating
Krigloch the Furious said:
arent they pinch. I love driving in my car and when a squeel comes on, I raise my hand and play it...... "air squeel" style!!!!! :rock:
fuck yeah dood, i do that too

like on mask of sanity, at about 00:34 and 1:14

Fuckin rock dood
Originally Posted by Krigloch the Furious
arent they pinch. I love driving in my car and when a squeel comes on, I raise my hand and play it...... "air squeel" style!!!!!

Isn't that a bit uhhh...dangerous?:lol:
*picks up oversized stick and walks to the dead horse*

Yeah pinches... I can do the little squeel thing but not the "wide" pitch up or the really screamy thing... I can't. I guess there is a really wide bend in there somewhere. Pitch dives are cool though, slayer uses them (kerry king) all the time but they are the work of the devil (and the whammy bar). However real men play reversed baroque guitar pentatonic a-flat minor myxo-eolic-early-isothermic-ivorycoast-sweep. Or a mean eukulele, that works too! I mean seriously an rr3 eukulele even I could reach the far off scales!
Haha, dude that was lame as hell
tsk tsk tsk.. you're getting sloppy
EagleFlyFree said:
>how do you do pinch harmonics?

fine, good sir! but my name is leonardo

[/explicit lameness]
*steals stick from Mammoth*

get over here boy!
MagSec4 said:
Hey, give bobvex a dirty Sanchez! : D
Do it, do it.
hey nowwwwww, watch it or ill give your girlfriend a bucking bronco*!!!

*when you are doing her from behind, and you lean in close and whisper in her ear "you dirty slut i home you rot in hell, you cunt is sooo dirty and gross, you're a fucking whore."
she will go nuts, and the object is to hold on for dear life.
@bob....instead of whispering, its more fun to yell out "RODEO!!" and have your friends pop out of the closet w/ capguns and cowboy hats. it adds to the whole ensemble.:tickled: :tickled:
down, and at the same time you pick the note put the thumb against the string like you where gonna mute it
DeathPact said:
does anybody do pinch harmonics with a upstroke? how ? tell mee!!
i got a friend who does them with an upstroke, but he can't do em with a down... i'm trying to develop a technique to do up and down, i'll call it Alt. Pinching when i get it figured out...