How do you feel about Meshuggah?

Meshuggah are ...

  • One Trick Ponies

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • Diabolical Geniuses

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • I can live with or without them

    Votes: 21 35.6%

  • Total voters


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
I was wondering what the consensus around here is on Meshuggah? I bought Chaosphere yeaars ago, and honestly wasn't impressed. I let the record collect dust, and I would have all but forgotten about this band had not some of my biggest music influences begin to praised them nonstop. I still to this day cannot understand all the hype about this band. In my humble opinion they're one of the least dynamic bands in history. I can't tell one song apart from another in their entire catalogue. I can dig the uber downtuned groove riffs every now and then, but throughout every song while someone yells at the top of their lungs is not what I call good music. So what's your opinions?
Big, big one trick ponies. I can super enjoy two or three songs once in a while but they've done their thing to death and it all sounds the same. I do like the vocals though, they fit the mechanic feel. They just seem to be one of those bands that gathers a lotta fanboys and tech nerds who just wants to listen to "smart" music sometimes.
I like them. Good stress relief, particularly through headphones. I saw them at Download this year and really enjoyed myself. I think they're a bit like marmite though, you either love them or hate them.

I can't listen to them when I have a migraine though.
...voted for the second variant... although I'm not as emotional in my opinion as it's stated there. Of course that is the sort of music that cannot be listened in large amounts... but sometimes it's a nice choice. I enjoy listening to some other math-metal bands and I should admit that there are lots of more diverse and "dynamic" bands...just consider Textures or Cloudkicker. But still Meshuggah could be honored as the pioneers)))
I can't see the appeal.
And in many songs they kill their biggest feat, the polyrythms, by sync'ing one of them with the guitar rythm which means that only the 4/4 on the drums is heard, which is frankly dull, considered that most riffs have not more than 3-4 notes.
Under that disguise of "Math" metal it's just wimpy melodic death. Over-hyped garbage imo. Sweden has way more bands to make them not matter anyways.
don't see the hype either, but don't care. I tried once to discuss with a fan, i lost 30 mins of my life
I went with the third. I can enjoy them for a short amount of time and then I will not listen to them again for awhile. I also think they are over hyped. Good drumming though.
love them... awesome musicians, and they make really interresting tunes.

and judging by the new katatonia songs intro, Anders has listened to his fair share of "Future breed machine" :p
This is a type of music that makes me tired of listening to it. Tried to find something in their songs but this mission has been failed.
One trick ponies. All of their songs sound the same to me, except for Bleed.
i heard nothing and catch and they never did much for me but then obZen came out and my reaction was HOLY FUCK. obZen was one of the best records of last year. absolutely amazing. changed my entire opinion of meshuggah.
Vocals: Dislike
Heaviness: Like
Soundscape in general: 30/70 like and dislike.

= Totally uninteresting to me. Still haven't heard anything by them that I can like.
Droning, technical, discombobulated math metal. I love all their shit, but find it hard to listen to often, or for long periods of time. Calling them one trick ponies is a cheap shot I think. They have definitely created a diverse discography over the years, and don't really sound the same on each album.