How Do You Feel About Veganism?

I'm not a vegan, but I feel ok about it. But I always wondered what health issues vegans might face when switching to veganism. Do they just stop eating meat and other products? Isn't it stressful for health?

I don't think it's that easy. I had a GF who was vegan and she was always ordering tons of different powders from vegan shops and lots of different vitamins and supplements from the pharmacy. She did an extended blood test twice a year, her iron level was low doesn't matter what and few more things where not ok. I guess you just need to be smart when it comes to veganism and think about the possible outcome.
someone just randomly stopping their meat eating is stupid

i remember a gap of time where all the local vegans kept having to go to the ER because they were all suffering from the effects of nutrient deficiency from not eating the nutrients that are in meat

i remember talking to my meat-eating med-doctor friends and we all thought it was hilarious
this happened forever ago and its still pretty funny now
Veganism is the practice of eliminating all animal products from your diet and everyday attire, often for ethical reasons. However, vegans have gradually garnered a negative reputation for allegedly imposing this belief system on everyone. In doing so, vegans will shame and criticize meat eaters for contributing to the system of animal cruelty. Of course, there is a flip side in which meat eaters are actually the ones bullying vegans. So how do you feel about veganism?
It’s a choice one makes which is very personal. I’ve been vegan nearly my entire life , never pushed nor preached to anyone about it and I’ll only talk about it if someone asks .
Its a lifestyle that only a good solid economy can afford. One can live well as a vegan so long as the economy allows it. However, in a survival situation the vegan diet will lead to death. Its not possible to survive on a vegan diet in the wild where protein is better secured in meat.
vegans are dumb-asses
the human body is designed to eat meat
and the people who become vegans because they watched those fucked up animal-torture-videos are even dumb

if you had a time-machine and showed those animals-being-tortured-videos to someone a whole-hundred years ago,
the person who ate meat every single meal would get pissed go out to kill the people torturing those animals, and then still continue to eat animals every fucking meal
in America there's this group of vegans who try to convert everyone else into veganism by showing you these videos of "food animals" being tortured before they get turned into the food on your plate
i'm pretty sure no one outside of America has seen these animal torture vids
what I'm saying is that a hundred years ago
finding out about someone being cruel to food-animals wouldn't have changed anyone's diet
but discovering food-animals being abused before death is actually changing people's diets now
because modern Americans are dumb-asses
Being a vegan and being Blurry have a bit in common. Both require very little brain power. Neither can really be properly explained by science. Both are incapable of remaining silent. Both love to draw attention to themselves and their ways. And most people don't give a fuck about either.
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That conclusion doesn't follow. Ethical perspectives often evolve over time.
being a vegan isn't an "ethical perspective" it's someone being a dumb-ass and ignoring the fact that human bodies are designed to eat meat

what i said was accurate
a hundred years ago, the people in charge of slaughtering food-animals would have been totally horrified by the cruelty-to-animals videos that the crazy-cult-groups now use to try to convert Americans into becoming vegans,
humans have been eating meat for millions of years and the severe types of cruelty appearing in the vids didn't even start happening till a couple of decades ago,
a hundred years ago the people who ate meat every single meal would have killed people over the cruelty in the vids and knowing about the cruelty would not have changed anybodies diet,
a hundred years ago,
nobody in charge of slaughtering food-animals could have ever gotten away with anyone finding out about the cruelty that's in these vids because they would have been lynched by the other people in charge of slaughtering food-animals

at this point i should point out that I'm describing people who are walking around with these big battery-operated video-playing-screens that look like big flat-screen-TVs

then they walk around showing these animal-abuse vids on a loop to random people outside the hotel every time the Downtown-Dallas Sheraton hotel has a convention to try to convince random Anime-fest goers to become vegans

as far as i know they can't do this shit anywhere outside of America because the tactic wouldn't work
people in Europe or where-ever would just realize and point out that "animal cruelty" has absolutely nothing to do with a person's diet
and people outside of America would either just ignore or beat-up the vegan-cult-members

and as far as i know the vids I'm describing are vids that nobody outside of America has ever even seen
as far as i know they can't do this shit anywhere outside of America because the tactic wouldn't work
people in Europe or where-ever would just realize and point out that "animal cruelty" has absolutely nothing to do with a person's diet
and people outside of America would either just ignore or beat-up the vegan-cult-members

Veganism is popular as fuck outside of America you dumb faggot, so is anti-meat industry activism. The irony is you're the dumb American you think the rest of America is.

I know your knowledge of life extends only as far as you can be bothered to walk from your hobo tent, but this is pretty staggeringly ignorant.
Veganism is popular as fuck outside of America you dumb faggot, so is anti-meat industry activism.
yes this sentence might maybe be sort of accurate
at the end of the day
I'm still laughing my ass-off at the specific Americans that changed their diets because of watching the specific vids that the creators of the vids would never in a million years show to anyone outside of America
yes this sentence might maybe be sort of accurate
at the end of the day
I'm still laughing my ass-off at the specific Americans that changed their diets because of watching the specific vids that the creators of the vids would never in a million years show to anyone outside of America

Being exposed to videos of animal cruelty in the meat industry is an extremely common way for a person to change their ethical perspective on the treatment of animals all over the planet you spastic. Every vegan I know started off that way.

You need to stop looping back to your braindead conclusions, they don't make any fucking sense. :lol:
Being exposed to videos of animal cruelty in the meat industry is an extremely common way for a person to change their ethical perspective on the treatment of animals all over the planet you spastic.
videos showing animal-abuse gets people to understand that animals are actually being abused
but do these crazy people randomly walk up to cosplayers in-costume to play the gore-filled videos in-front of their toddler children at cosplay events specifically to get people to change their diets?

in America these people scare children where it pisses off their parents