How do you find decent musicians????

Hey Shredguitarman, I live in Surrey (near Guildford). My brother goes to Manchester Uni but is actually in his placement year this year.

Anyway, I would suggest hanging around music colleges and music shops, putting up notes, as well as getting in contact with teachers (drum and keyboard teachers) and asking if they have any students that would like to be in a prog band etc. Just see if they work.

I have a drummer, bassist and keyboardist at my disposal but I don't really practise much with them. I sequence all my stuff and write all the parts so I basically am a one man band (makes arguments easier :) )


Thanks. That's pretty much my clean sound. Lots os Chorus and lots of Digital Delay.

The EB JP 7-String, that'd rule! Fingers crossed you get it. The prototype John Petrucci uses in the Live Scenes From New York DVD is lovely.

The teacher thing Metropolis2k X recommends is a good idea, too.
When my band was looking for a singer, I printed up some adverts and would hand them out to voice tutors.