How do you guys bleep out swear words for radio edits?


Feb 25, 2011
Just wondering. I've never done it before. I don't want to just cut them out since they have that rhythm going on and cutting out a beat (to me) just sounds funky. What do you guys do go give the word that mix up sound?
If you can, find another word in the song that fits the syllable and replace the swear word with it. Or use white noise to blank out half of/the middle of the word
I'm guessing if you did some really bizzzare time streches on said word that would work just fine.
Haha. You guys have some weird ideas. Either just cut the word out and have silence, or have them record an alternate version that sounds similar ("And I'm like, forget you"). That's what 99% of the "clean versions" on the radio sound like.
use samples of cat meows and dog barks over the swear words and wonder why censorship ever got so lame
Remember St Anger?

On the radio friendly version they dubbed over the fucks with a noise like James passing a particularly stubborn turd.

Sounds dumb but it might work on some stuff, depending on the style.
I'd go along the mute offensive word route.
Introduction of some replacement noise is novel - but to be honest, it's just a 'bad' word. I'd just mute 'em and print mix.

I've not had to do a radio edit for a while so perhaps there is an emerging standard, but I really see no point in putting effort into adding efx or clips just because some guy in a suit is scared of language.