How do you guys know English so well??

From what i understand there is a big emphasis on english in some european schools mostly the northern countries, met a large group of people from denmark when i was in rome and i could swear they were american before they told me where they were from i was like :OMG:.

They picked up the accent from tv apparently
And in addition to that (not porn, but Jarkko's post :lol:), personally, I pretty much do all my talking and writing in English :p Plus I spent a lot of time with the exchange students we had at my university - and we had a lot of them! Parties, football, happenings, etc, all in English. Oh and also, I watch movies without translated subtitles or dubbing. I believe the biggest reason people from some European countries are not so good at English is because all movies and series are translated to their language before broadcast. This is especially a "problem" in France, where I believe they at least used to have some law mandating 60 % of all programs to be in French. And also, in Spain and Germany, I believe the vast majority of foreign movies are dubbed in their language. In Russia, too, but I think the current 20~ year old Russians know English a lot more, with the lowered dislike towards the West. After the collapse of Soviet Union, it probably took 5-10 years to really get the English courses at school up to scratch and full motion, so from 1995 on, or so, and add 15 years to the age: 2010, the year Russians know English much better, heh :) Most of my Russian friends (18-28 years old, mostly ~20) do speak English quite well. But I have also met some Russian travellers who can't even speak English! They usually travel in a family group where one person (often a friend) can speak English a bit more.
I know when I was in Europe people spoke really good English. Germans have the best English from a non-English speaking country from my experience. I could joke some serious slang with them and they'd understand me.
School, and media: all notable movies and series around here were american when I was growing up - I also played a lot of games and learnt a lot of english through them
I've always been amazed at the ability that most non-native english folks have here and the ability is one to be applauded. I think it's a shame that in America there is no emphasis on learning foreign languages despite the fact that we are part of a global society and given that we have such a diverse population with so many non-native citizens. While most high-schools have foreign language classes, aside from Spanish, I'm sure the number of students is low compared to overall enrollment.

While I took two years of French in middle school I've forgotten most of it from lack of use. I used to speak French with my mémé (grandmother) until she passed many many years ago and since then have had no opportunity to speak it so it has been tucked away with so many other old skills in the depths of my brain like boxes in a closet. I can probably still read it with some effort, but forget trying to speak it.

So - to all my foreign friends - I applaud your language skills and envy the fact that you are multilingual.

Perhaps I should choose one of those Rosetta Stone language software packages and learn say Mandarin Chinese :) I've read that someday we will all speak a mixed language made up of parts of English, Spanish, and Chinese. Sort of like the language they use in the TV show Firefly which was a mixture of Chinese and English (mostly Chinese for the curse words :) ).
on the other end of it... it sucks that we aren't made to learn more languages seeing as you guys get taught it in school... we do like a bit of french... maybe german...
France is hilarious. I got caught in the airport with brass knuckles in my pedal case carryon and as they were talking to me in French about it I was answering in English, cause I could understand them I just couldn't speak back. Finally the dude yelled at me "WHY AREN'T YOU SPEAKING FRENCH?" I told him I was from the US. They guy didn't believe me. He was so bummed that I didn't wanna speak/couldn't speak French.
same as everyone else here; first 6 years in elementary school, then 3 years at college and now 3 years at university. Then add tv, movies, videogames, internet etc. But I noticed when I was working with a swedish guy all summer (I can speak Swedish too, but it was a lot easier to speak English with him), that my spoken English is not as fluid as I would want it to be. By the keyboard I have all the time I need to think for the right words.