TGCD was the album that made me into a huge Katatonia fan. I only used to be a person who owned two albums by them because they sounded pretty good, but nothing more. TGCD is the Katatonia album i listen to most to along with Discouraged Ones, Viva Emptiness and TLFDGD.
Fav songs:
Leaders, My Twin, Follower, July, In The White, Dissolving Bonds and Code against the code..and well..I've loved almost all the songs on the album throughout the last 3 years. Only two songs that I haven't liked as much.
Consternation and The Itch..(they're not bad though..just too often skip them) song that I can't listen to anymore at all is
Soil's Song, it was the first song I really liked on the album, but I got very fast tired of it and haven't listened to it for 2 years or so. Odd really..I just can't stand it now. Journey Through pressure is a song I didn't like until recently..5 months ago or so because of a thread here where so many said they loved that song. I listened to it a couple of more times and suddenly (most likely brainwashed myself though

I loved that song too...but it must be played loud.
The production of this album is just unbelivable I think. The drumming and bass...groove...vocals...everything, close to perfect.
The only thing I see wrong with this album is that it's not an album I can listen to through in one go. I just have to pick out a couple of songs every time. The whole album becomes too..well, it all melts into one greyish pot. The album would have been perfect with a couple of more varied soundscapes neatly stuffed into the package..butbut...still love this album.
To anyone who's sick of me saying how good this album is..I'm sorry, but this thread did ask for it