How do you make Ez Drummer better?


Dec 29, 2011
Right now i'm saving money for Superior Drummer.
But what can I do now to improve the sound of EZ drummer.. to make it sound better?btw i know there are expansion packs.

but are there any simple thing/ free vsts or plugs that can make EZ drummer better?
setup multi out and tweak the single tracks, kick, snare etc.

if you are having problems with "bleed" (it's not controlable like in S2 IIRC)
load up two instances, one for drums and the second one for cymbals.

that's it, can't think of anything else...
What's the point of him using EZ Drummer if you guys are just gonna tell him to trigger samples?

I think EZD Metal Machine sounds pretty good right off the bat, a little bit of beefing up with some parallel comp and it sounds fantastic!
That chewbacca looks just like Michael Jackson:

Nice advise with expansion but vejichan wrote:Right now i'm saving money for Superior Drummer.

HevyDevys ezdrummer on Ziltoid is very obvious and not according to my taste but why not.
Trevoire520: Metal machine is preety good but always needs additional adjusting to better sit in the mix too. Ezdrummer is great for learning purpose for him.
While not a real suggestion on improving EZDrummer itself, it's well worth looking for the sales that come up every now and again for the upgrade to SD at discounted pricing. That's what I did about a year plus ago and it's been well worth it.
Agreed on the superior upgrade, grabbed mine just a month ago for 99 euro plus the rock solid ezx.

However...having used ezd for many years to send quick sketches of songs to other bandmates and all...the best way to make it sit better is to mix around it. Sometimes overprocessing it leads to interesting sounds. It's gonna be ezd but less straight out of the box sounding.