How do you make games on a calculator?


Mar 2, 2007
Does anyone know how, because I saw this kid at school today who made his own game on his calculator. I just want to know how so I have something to do during Math or any other class I'm bored in.
you can download those games or you can program themselves by using the programming language C.

I have a calculator of Texas Instruments and there's a button programs. then I click new to make one
I suck, and can you make your calculator password protected? I got the games deleted off my calculator twice, if theres a time when I'm doing a calculation when no one else is the teacher will probably take it and suspect I'm playing games, and delete the games, the worst part is then I won't be able to use my calculator on a test (if the teacher thinks I'm playing games one more time). I fucking hate school.
^if you archive the games, they can't be deleted.

Never actually tried to password protect it.

what kind of calculator do you have?