How do you prefer it?

How do you prefer the line-ups to be released?

  • Release all 10 band names once all confirmed (like PP IV & V)

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Release each band name once each is confirmed (like PP III)

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • Release all band names at once but give hints or teases along the way on some of them

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
ghostofwinter said:
Not that this poll matters or is taken to heart by Glenn, I am just curious to know ...
Well, for one thing, I don't believe each band was ever introduced individually for any previous PP. Glenn always announces the roster in its entirety.
I'm pretty sure Glenn didn't release the roster when it was completed for PP3... I'm 95% sure that when I first saw what bands there were, there was a note saying that there were more to come...
For the record, I have never released the name of any of the bands before the roster was completed. That will not change regardless of public opinion. It is something that sets my show apart from every single other show on the planet.

As for the "more to come," I honestly do not remember that.

Glenn H.
k, I stand corrected since "the man" himself hath spoken :) I apologize for the mix-up

anyway, it was just a post to get feedback. Everyone else seems to have had a poll for one thing or another so I wanted to add my 2 cents.
It's torture to wait... But that thrill of all the bands hitting you at once can't be beat.

I remember when Six Degrees leaked before it came out Mike Portnoy said something like...and I am 100% paraphrasing here... "I don't care so much that it's available on the internet, But we like everyone to experience it at the same time"

Does that make sense?
For Progpower III, only six or seven bands were announced at the start....

About a week later, the rest were released.

That's not to say that they weren't all confirmed (by Glenn) when the original batch was announced to the public..but I can guarantee you that they weren't all released at once........
You are correct. I completely forgot about those last ones being confirmed late because it was the opening bands instead of the big names.

Hell, I even sent out a few press releases now that I think about it.

Apologies all around. That said, nothing is getting out until March. :)


Hey, you do realize it IS March right? Therefore, you need to reveal the lineup! Thanks.

By the way, I wish to to be in the 3rd slot. I don't have a band or anything, but I truly would like to stand on stage and incite a riot. lmao.

Keep up the good work Glenn.