The Promoter's Poll

How do you feel now?

  • I think it still sucks ass

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • My opinon hasn't changed be that good or bad

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • I feel a bit better, but I still was hoping for more

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • I'm totally psyched now

    Votes: 33 50.8%

  • Total voters
All I have to say is that I'm looking forward to attend Progpower this year. Honestly, when the bands were announced I was a little bit disappointed like many others here, but that was because I didn't know most bands and because I was expecting mind-blowing bands like last year. Now I know all bands that will play at Progpower and I'm definetly "psyched out". I used to be more of a powermetal fan than Prog. Now it's kinda the opposite. Glenn, you did a great job picking the bands this year. This Progpower will be just as good as last year's or the previous ones. See you in september!
Imajica said:
Hey Wandrail, hate to burst your bubble. But the progpower isn't the only game in town. This year we have Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles doing their two day six pack concert. Check them out also.

Don't ask me how that slipped past me...still, after perusing the lineup...and the locale...I can say I probably won't be going to the BWBK deal. Cleveland is probably a good compromise on location for Canadians, and its close to New York, sort of, so that's convenient for alot of people...but damn. I still say none of these match the near compulsion one felt when knowing Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, and Edguy would be playing their first US shows. What I think is the clincher with PP4 outside the bands is the level of QUALITY you know will be present. No cost-cutting, overpopulation of stages by bands, many of whom are mediocre to poor. No crummy sound quality. Shockingly enough, its a well-produced and professional live music experience with metal involved. Not saying no one else can do it or that others are not worth the time, because that's hardly the case, but i'll be damned if i've seen its equal on this side of the pond. Now, someone sell me tickets, dammit. :D
I admit at first I was disappointed since I only knew the power metal side of the roster and while I really enjoy Rage, their headlining at the festival didn't blow me away. Nightwish is fine, but again, not one of my favorite "power" acts. After having done some research, I now am more excited about the "prog" side of the roster. I'm stoked to see Redemption, Pagan's Mind, Symphony X (my first time), and even Mercenary (they must play "Seize the Night").

However, it's Evergrey that has truly turned my opinion around. I'd heard the hype in the past, and never really quite took to their sound, until recently. Now they are my main reason for PP4 and without going into detail, the reason I'm here today.

I guess it's just my metal elitist inside that says "as long as there is ANY prog/power metal bands playing... it's worth attending!" My opinion hasn't changed at all, if anything I'm getting even more psyched with the closer it get's to the festival!

I find it difficult for there to be a bad line-up now or in the future... I'm a yankee american, and I know that 75% of the bands playing the festival have not/will not be touring the U.S., so with that being said... this line-up RULES!:D

Glenn has taste, and selects a great line-up that still sells tickets, There just is no argument to it... If this roster doesn't get your rocks off even a little bit... you should be hung at the gallows for being a traitor! :tickled:

I'm looking forward to all the bands this year....which has been the case in the past... this is why I keep on comin' back!

"Once it hit's your lips, you can't stop....fill it up!!!" - Will Farrell, Old School

I loved the line-up from the first instant I saw it. I was asking for Rage since PPII, therefore I am more than happy! I am also looking forward to see Nightwish, Pagans Mind, Secret Sphere and Vanden Plas for the first time. I did not know much about Redemption, Mercenary and Circle II Circle, but now that I have some of their albums I do enjoy their music. And Evergrey and Symphony X are two of the bets live bands I have seen so far in my life. This festival will kick ass!!!! Although last year PP had more big names (Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Angra and Edguy) this year's lineup is deeper. If you have a great band such as Pagans Mind opening one of the nights shows how deep this festival is in talent. I can't wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!
Only thing that doesn't make sense is having C2C play in the third slot when all they have is 1 album that just came out. Let Secret Sphere play third. 3 albums on top of the fact that they are comig all the way from Italy! Oh well, it will still be awesome even if C2C puts me to sleep for an hour.
When I read the list and Vanden Plas was on it, I was psyched to begin with, but now that I have been checking out the bands I was unfamiliar with, I got even more psyched especially about Redemption.
BoP kicked my ass at PP2 and I did not know one song by them as I suppose I just overlooked them because they were the opener and wasn't expecting anything amazing. I'm not going to let any band slide by me this time and I couldn't be more happy with Redemption's release or this line-up unless Vanden Plas was headlinig >:p~

I've been waiting 15 years for RAGE to finally make it to the USA, and I'm forever grateful to the promoters at PROGPOWER USA for making it happen! I've dreamed about seeing them play live ever since I first heard "Perfect Man" in 1988! As far as I'm concerned, they totally deserve to be the headliners. I'm really excited about seeing NIGHTWISH as well (Tarja is amazing!). Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing all of the bands, even though I'm not that familiar with some of them. Regardless, I'm sure it's going to be an incredible experience!
I'm there no matter what!!This is basically becom
ing my vacation for the year due to my ever fucked up work situation!!I'm really not familiar with Rage or Mercenary but I know Terranna kicks ass on drums (If he's still with Rage) so I should enjoy that!!1/2 the reason I show up is just to hang out with everyone I only get to see once a year:(...Too bad y'all don't live closer to Cleveland!!BTW,Harv!!Evergrey kicked some major fuckin' ass on their 1st trip to Cleveland for the BW & BK show!!Their new drummer is a welcome addition!!He took Patrick's drum parts & added so much more to them !!Wish ya coulda been ther bro but I'll see ya in a few months & buy ya a drink if yer not in "Promoter" mode!!