How do you use your SM7b?


Aug 29, 2007
I'm mostly interested in how you have the setting in the back and which foam you use on metal screamers/growlers etc. Right now I have mine with the presence bump and the high pass on, with the smaller foam and I always use a metal pop filter as close as I can get it to the mic w/o touching it. I usually run it through an SCA A12 Pre, and sometimes compress the vocals while tracking using a FMR RNC set to standard mode (as opposed to super nice) with about 6 DB of squash, with super fast attack and release times.

I've been thinking though that maybe I should make it flat instead of having a presence bump? I know that I could change it up on every singer/song, but It just seems like too much effort for such a small change since you have to unscrew the back panel.

I dunno what is your favorite technique with the SM7b?
mine is set on flat all the time....
no foam when it's on a stand (just a regular screen then).
when I'm using it as a handheld I'll have the foam sleeve on....there is only one on mine
yeah mines flat as well. it seems like if you compress this mic correctly it doesn't usually need much EQing either.
I run mine flat through my N72, do about 4-6db gain reduction with my FMR PBC-6A and then high pass it through my Klark Teknik EQ. I've used it with great results with the A12 as well, but usually prefer the Neve sound on vocals. I never touch the settings on the mic and always pull off the foam and use a metal pop filter an inch or two off the grille.
Is this a good mic for more of a melodic singer with a harder edge to their voice? Something along the lines of a Jorn Lande / Allan Russel kinda singer?

I would think so. IMO the SM7b is probably one of the best vocal recording mics in the business for the money. It's got a big and warm sound, good mids and highs without being harsh.

You can use it on just about any style vocal and get a great recording. Although some Condensers might sound better, but that wouldn't stop me from using it on any vocalist really. Once I got this mic was wondering why I didn't get this mic first before any LDC, it blows away a lot of mics in it's price range and gets a lot of use at both studios that I work at.:kickass:
Thanks for everone's input, I think I'm gonna take the presence boost off. I noticed everyone runs it flat, is there any reason nobody uses the high pass?

I run mine flat through my N72, do about 4-6db gain reduction with my FMR PBC-6A and then high pass it through my Klark Teknik EQ. I've used it with great results with the A12 as well, but usually prefer the Neve sound on vocals. I never touch the settings on the mic and always pull off the foam and use a metal pop filter an inch or two off the grille.

Have you ever had a chance to run the PBC against the RNC? You have one settup that I am hoping to get someday is the PBC to use as a tracking vox compressor, how do you like it? Do you use the thick mode for vox?
I would think so. IMO the SM7b is probably one of the best vocal recording mics in the business for the money. It's got a big and warm sound, good mids and highs without being harsh.

You can use it on just about any style vocal and get a great recording. Although some Condensers might sound better, but that wouldn't stop me from using it on any vocalist really. Once I got this mic was wondering why I didn't get this mic first before any LDC, it blows away a lot of mics in it's price range and gets a lot of use at both studios that I work at.:kickass:

Thanks for the input! My singer was looking into getting a new mic for recording and I suggested this one cause I know he prefers tracking in the control room with the monitors going rather than a booth with headphones. Being able to perform with the mic instead of singing at it really is aq night and day difference with the results I get out of him

Have you ever had a chance to run the PBC against the RNC? You have one settup that I am hoping to get someday is the PBC to use as a tracking vox compressor, how do you like it? Do you use the thick mode for vox?

I used to own an RNC and it was a nice box, especially for the money, but a completely different beast than the PBC. I absolutely love the PBC. I occasionally use the thick mode when I really want a ton of color. It can go from real nice and slow and subtle to full blown sonic annihilation and anything in between. The PBC is definitely a "color" compressor unlike the RNC....think LA-2A, 1176, Distressor....something you can't help but hear when it's on.

I was on the fence for months between dropping the $1k on a Distressor or half that on the PBC. Adam from Mercenary talked me into trying it out and I fell in love with it instantly. I can't wait to get a second one to use on stereo busses at mixdown.