how does one pronounce...

Shit, I've studied phonetics at the University so I should be able to help you with this... but unfortunately I don't have me litterature here right now... but let's give it a try anyway. The other scandinavians here might want to help out...

First Mikael. The stress should be on the i-sound and it should be like "ee" in see. "el" in the end is just like "el" in hotel. The a-sound is more difficult. It lies more in the back of you mouth (depending a little on different dialects). Right now I can't think of a good english word to compare with but it's a little like "a" in the english short of mother - "ma". And then just put it together with the m and the k!

Akerfeldt (Åkerfeldt) then. The a with the ring over it should be pronounced like "aw" in saw. "er" is a little like "er" in error but not at all with the broad american r, more like the british r. "feldt" is just like the english word felt.

Hope it helped a little.

I read it was Don Sva-neh a few weeks ago, but the others I had no clue.

Heh. For a long time there I was saying "Dan Sway-no", "Michael Acker-felt", "Anders Neye-strom", and "Joe-nas Ren-skee".

I'm pretty sure we all say "Peter Lindgren", "Martin Lopez", "Martin Mendez", "Johan DeFarfalla" and "Anders Nordin" more or less correctly, though.
bah !!
hot potato!
hmpf ! =P

general rules for pronouncing swedish:

a sounds like "a" in "bath"
i sounds like "ee" in "see" or "e" in "be"
o sounds like "oo" in "mood", only deeper down in yer throat
å sounds like "awe" or "a" in "hall"
ä sounds like "a" in "fat"
ö sounds like "u" in "burn", only more up in the mouth
Lakestream, nice quicky phonetics guide! =)

Hearse, well Finno-Swedish is - as all in both our countries know - something quite special sounding. ;-) the hot potato-theory is new for me though...
this is a little off subject, but what do you think of swedes ability to speak finnish? I don't know a word of finnish (except for ei saa peiti, but that's common knowledge (think i got the spellning wrong tough)) but if I read something out loud I think (to myself) that I can get it to very finnish. But hmm.. maybe it doesn't...
>what do you think of swedes ability
>to speak finnish? I don't know a word
>of finnish

Generally, swedes suck at finnish. The swedish/finnish population in finnland learn both languages from birth and thus pull it off quite well (even though their swedish is influenced by finnish - finno-swedish).

As a native swede, you'll have to be more or less a language genious to learn the proper pronounciation of finnish. I know people who've lived in finnland for decades without ever getting rid of their swedish accent.

Same goes the other way around - finns have an extremely hard time learning proper swedish pronounciation.

>I think it might be becuz finnish uses
>the same "sounds" as swedish

They do in fact, NOT use the same sounds. Finnish is a harder (spoken, not learned) language in many ways. Originally, finnish didn't have g and b among others, and it's still rather evident with native finns - they pronounce g as k, b as p.

This gives us such hilarious instances of mispronounciation as borrmasking (swedish for drilling machine) and porrmasking (porn machine), snobben (swedish name of 'Peanuts' comic) and snoppen (swedish for dick).

Ethymologically, swedish is a west-germanian (I think it was) language (german, norwegian, danish, swedish), while finnish is part of the Finnish-Ugrish language family (finnish, hungarian). Both are as hard to learn for everyone but the natives and those who grow up with both.

>except for ei saa peiti

The correct spelling is "ei saa peittää". And yes, it means "do not cover".
Ha! I had posted something different asking how to pronounce "Mikael"... I guess I should read more closely! The way it was explained was the way I had guessed it, but I wasn't sure. I talked with him at the New England Metal Festival and was afraid to say his name! Now I know for sure. :spin:
When I met Mikael I just called him "Mike" like the good 'ol American nickname. He seemed to be cool with it. And he was turned around when I said it and he answered to it so he must get called that alot.
Originally posted by gotham

Dan Swano (Don Zvanah), Anders Nystrom (Ahnderz NEE-strom), Jonas Renske (YOANahs Rinsk).

Impossible. Jonas' name could never be pronounced like that because his surname is spelt 'RENKSE', not 'Renske' as you erroneously suggest.

How many times are people going to make this stupid mistake? It's written in black and white but people insist on getting it wrong. It also doesn't aid the pronounciation attempts.
Holy crap I've been saying Dan Swanö's name wrong for forever. Jesus, I dunno if I'll ever be able to say it correctly... I basically had Åkerfeldt, Nystrom, and Renske's names down, though...